Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Cookies

Day 17 to 21 days Free Press features Mandel Kager Cookies. We publish a cookie recipe each day - Monday to Saturday - before Christmas.

    Winona Rempel of Winnipeg made this spicy cookies Danish, taken from a recipe from "Good Housekeeping" for nearly 50 years. His family loves him, but he allowed only for Christmas, keep special.

    Mandel Kager

    227 g (1 cup) butter

    125 ml (1 / 2 cup) white sugar

    1 egg

    400 ml (1 3.2 cup) all-purpose flour

    2 ml (1 / 2 tsp) baking powder

    15 ml (1 tbsp) cinnamon

    2 ml (1 / 2 tsp) cardamom

    125 ml (1 / 2 cup) lightly toasted almonds, chopped

    1 egg yolk

    15 ml (1 tbsp) water

    Whole almonds for decoration

    With an electric mixer, beat butter, sugar and egg. In a small bowl, combine flour, baking powder and spices. Add almonds. Flour mixture to butter mixture at low speed and plays until blended.

    Gather dough into ball and refrigerate for 2 hours. Preheat oven to 190 ° C (375 ° F). Divide the dough into pieces of about 2.5 cm (1 inch) in diameter, flatten on ungreased baking sheet and lightly.

    Egg yolk and water covered cookies brush. Top each cookie with almonds and bake for 10-12 minutes. Cool on racks.

    Tester Notes: These cookies are rich, for a spicy taste wonderfully complex sample cardamom butter. My first group burned a little on the ground so that the temperature dropped slightly and closely observed on the second.

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