Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Celebration In Singapore

Prime Minister (PM) Lee Hsien Loong said in his New Year's message to Singaporeans that despite the 14.7 per cent growth in the country's economy, it must be noted that it was the result of special circumstances and unlikely to be repeated again.

He also pointed out that world economy as a whole is mixed, with US and Europe struggling and the Asian markets looking strong. India and China are marching on, and Southeast Asian countries are continuing to grow steadily.

With the steady growth in the Asian market, he believes that it will help create a favourable regional environment for Singapore.

On the local front, Singapore has to battle the diverging pay disparity between the rich and the poor, he pointed out.

The government has continued its efforts to aid the poor with Public Assistance, introduced ComCare and Workfare, and implemented Additional Housing Grants for buying HDB flats. To aid the middle class there has been lowered income tax rates, and are more executive condominiums to widen their housing choices.

The PM however believes that the efforts are not to be invested solely in the financial scheme of things but more in upgrading the Singapore worker. Upgrading of skills and will aid in productivity and set them apart from their Asia counterparts who are willing to work longer hours for a lower pay cheque.

He also pointed out that Singapore's heavy investment in education has paid off, with results from the 2009 PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) placed Singaporean students amongst the top five reading, mathematics and science.

He went out to point out that our success as a nation goes beyond education and lies with the spirit of Singaporeans and the quality of leadership present.

Leaders who deliver good policies, create opportunities for the people, and rally citizens to work together for a better tomorrow are vital in ensuring a successful Singapore, he pointed out.

He believed that as country we displayed such a spirit in the success of the Youth Olympic Games(YOG), and that we have to continue to display this uniquely Singaporean spirit that makes our country tick.

All in all he believes that Singaporeans will have to embrace this spirit of daring to try new things; coupled with high quality education, an alert and dynamic leadership and the Singapore spirit a better tomorrow is assured.

He concluded by wishing all Singaporeans a Very Happy New Year.

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