Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year Wishes Messages

The amount of shoppers and tourists stroll along Orchard Road during Christmas week is a chance to see this year, read and hear the Christmas story in new ways. It's all thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers.
Celebrate Christmas in Singapore (CCIS), the Christmas mega event organized for the seventh consecutive time. The celebrations were opened on Friday and will conclude with a public concert on Christmas Day.
The theme this year is Christmas is love. DCIS reflects the passion, the Christmas story share at a time when the season came to learn about the purchases, gifts and Santa Claus, his elves and reindeer focus.
In fact, celebrating Christmas in his selfless love of God came to earth as man to redeem man from his sins.
"We need to concentrate on the love of God that because without Christ, without God, no Christmas, no sense," said President SCCI "coordinator Peter SNG. He said, The Christian Post on Tuesday." We need to bring the real reason (Christmas), the love of God is at Christmas. "
In a world of their own ideas about love, organizers saw the need to share the love of God. This is different from human love in a material.
"This is the highest form of love, even on other kinds of love - the ones that have to do with the attraction of matter, or based on selfish interests, or essentially no more than polite to return love for love," said Bishop Dr. Robert Solomon. He wrote in his message at the event brochures distributed DCIS.
"The love of Christmas is the first step, and extends to all, unconditionally and without limits."
The love of God, rooted in its being the source of true love between people. In other words, it is impossible for the people really love each other without the love of God.
DCIS has three main objectives for their annual events are sponsored by Christian churches and property companies.
community involvement, volunteer work and the Christian Church to promote partnerships: you are.
DCIS is a success in these areas.
When the Post visited the Christian interactive stations Tuesday, dressed volunteers and interpreters a huge crowd.
At one station, volunteers take turns in the audience a tour of the various parts of the Christmas story lead interested. They did this with the help of drawings made by hand. At that time, the room was cramped with visitors.
Crowds flock to a nearby hut to a pantomime, as the love of God restores human relationships seen.
At other times, passersby could send text messages of good wishes and they appear on a large screen before them.
There is also a stand that allows passersby, drawing and design make a custom line for Facebook can be accessed by pressure. Tourists photographed at the stand to show your friends back home, "said Kelvin Tan Tuesday in the Christian Post. He is responsible for the program.
A corner of childcare meets parents with young children who shop for Christmas. Parents can leave their children in the corner. Volunteers are the art of the past, ships, and the sharing of the Christmas story taught.
Consumers and tourists to share messages of love may be that this is in the structure of the station of love. This season reminds Tree of Hope in the DCIS cases in the past year. Its purpose was to encourage people in a time of economic recession.
The response was good. DCIS then doubled the number of trees increased to four and the size.
And of course, as the larger than life nativity scene and in connection with the introduction of the Christmas story in a visual and informative.
This does not speak of the fleet, the fleet of beautiful Christmas design to make their way around the island. Each swimmer has an introductory message of Jesus Christ.
On the eve of Christmas, a Hippo bus was carrying a choir to sing abroad to Orchard Road.
Come Christmas Day DCIS for 250 people at the chance to hit the Big Show as a VIP organized. You are also second in the Orchard Road, which closed the concert.
This is not new to the CCIS. So far, the organization in Singapore Red Cross for the poor disabled Civic Plaza browse directly to a power of her hospital bed and still helped dripping.
The dedication and passion of the volunteers DCIS »
DCIS has built a team of Christian volunteers. Many volunteers have served at the event for the last seven years, despite some difficulties.
Mr Wong Kwok On, 72, and Hong Fook Yuan, 76, spent two of the three kings from the beginning. Part of a larger group, including other volunteers as a Roman centurion and girls who had dressed to go six hours a day and on weekends.
the blessings God has not left or to serve healthy and strong, Wong said that the work on Tuesday. They said the plan to volunteer again next year for the eighth consecutive time.
Tan, 56, showed many cases of dedicated volunteers.
Two volunteers will help some of the heavy equipment from one stage to another, or down the road to year. It was so much that his son pleaded with the organizers to not to let his father do the job. But the couple is always voluntary, pushing crates of mineral water for the artists.
Sometimes begins volunteering.
stop a man who never, as a film director who died recently offered. His son was taken from the participation and was a Christian group at the event to perform.
A group of organizers that includes the SNG, Mr. Victor Tan and Ng voluntarily since the beginning.
Because of his involvement, had lost their family gatherings on Christmas Eve seven consecutive years. Despite the many sacrifices and hardships to serve the three men happy "life sentence" at least until Jesus says the opposite.
For Tan, a consulting company for events running mega-events such as Celebrate National Day Parade Independence Day of Vietnam is to see lives touched and transformed it keeps coming back, year after year. The challenge of mobilizing volunteers among Christians is another reason for its continued participation. Tan said he believes that to avoid confrontation rather than problems.
The three DCIS see the event as a "mission" from God.
Ng, 53, is with the Campus Media encourages Christians to look for opportunities to share the love of God with the public.
DCIS is the organization of the "large" Christian event with the "big" non-Christian groups, said the Christian Post.
"Many times we try to get people to church," Ng said on Tuesday in the Christian Post. He is responsible for logistics. "I think it is time for Christians to leave the four walls and meet face to face with the unbelievers."
While CCIS happened, people have "open" for the Christian faith. Ng said.
"They have misconceptions," he said. "They think that only Christians on the benches on Sunday, the holy people and all who sit."
DCIS Christmas, however, show a different side of Christianity.
"This demonstrates we have dance, mime, we may have seen parts and even the security people, that's what the Church is like," said Ng. "Therefore, as a new perspective and everyone we know that we welcome."
SNG involvement in DCIS, which he described as a journey of faith, goes beyond the volunteer work. He firmly believes that God has placed in the organization.
NSE has survived in the time that your doctor has the land for lung cancer in advanced stages to this conviction.
"I'm still alive by the grace of God," he said. "So he has his plans for me and he tells me to go home, go to the good fight, who fought in the races that will be left up to me."
NSE, 65, has established the full-time capacity in the Cosmoprof retirement he devoted fully to the work of the DCIS. His family also served in the DCIS.
He said: "We expect about 1.5, 1.6 million people who come here do not know 8-900000 least of them the true meaning of Christmas.
"What a joy to share for us and that is what keeps us in the fire service."
If participation in the DCIS has moved its organizers, the lives of other volunteers as much evidence from previous years has touched on the occupied site of the DCIS.
As an independent DCIS barns participation of about 60 churches a year. Churches take singing, theater and dance all night.
This year, about 500 volunteers from Youth for Christ for the management of their interactive kiosks DCIS. The total number of volunteers in thousands of DCIS.
Thus, the uniqueness of the ICC has secured the participation of Christians in other countries. These include Brazil, Kenya, China, Indonesia and the Philippines. Volunteers to pay their own way Singapore just made for Christmas.
Maybe he was a good reason, then, that never happened DCIS interrupted by heavy rain, said Tan.
The organizers hope that God will move. The steps are designed without shelter. Even if not, who knows, it will be a reason.
During the event in 2004, there was no rain. Initially, everything was packed into the truck and had it started on two consecutive days of rain. Interestingly, some non-Christians who are involved in the management of the annual event, the same faith that God stop the rain, according to Tan.
The Christian Post visited on the stands there was a net short, but it was.

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