Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Predictions 2011

I'm always a little ambivalent about the stories of the forecast. Usually end up giving the evidence or make wild assumptions that at best a 50/50 chance of having a reality. These facts weigh heavily on me every time I write a story about the future ahead. I offer a fascinating prose, but instructive. Read many times, people these stories so that they can avoid a purchase not informed. I can not say, for example, how many people have asked me whether they should buy now or wait for an Apple iPad. Why wait? Because Apple iPad probably give an update as soon as next month. It is only the first of my many productions for the year 2011. I warn you, is not always true, but as promised, I will do my best to make you better informed than when you began to read.
For all the innovations that Apple does every year, there is indeed a high degree of predictability. 2011, see News and IPAD iPhone and probably the first iPhone in the United States on a carrier other than AT & T. No news there is, as everyone expects that this announcement. The biggest surprise will be if not satisfied. Update IPAD could provide an integrated camera, a sleek design and an even higher resolution, at least so says the rumor.
Control Interface devices and other IPAD could an update in 2011. Most of CE Gadget offers some degree of tactile interaction. We hope to spread and keep an eye on products in both acts that do not touch. KINECTS successful launch of Microsoft's Xbox 360 has attracted considerable interest from other manufacturers and prime sense, the company developed a part of the user interface seems to work with other manufacturers theKinect working to replicate this human-machine interaction fruitful elsewhere.
The graphics system battle begins in earnest. Intel plans to Sandy Bridge in 2011 to start. In short, this new platform design important not to put the CPU and graphics in a single or a small group of photos, but they all die. Intel promises that he's nothing like the Intel "integrated graphics" solutions to be old. Gains strength and power for most power system can be overwhelming and can separate the graphics processing unit card market risk. Meanwhile, the company NVIDIA has to be pushed further into the space platform and void, and offers its Tegra 2 dual-core solution for mobile device manufacturers. Homes Tegra CPU and graphics in a table, in Table 3.0 is based on Motorola's Android appears. AMD, the delivery of the merger, which brings as well as the sand of the Intel-bridge, GPU and CPU is much closer. I have no idea who will win this fight, but it is pleasant to watch.
Speaking of Android, manages the mobile platform in a corner very important in the year 2011. Forget the gingerbread. This update 2.3 is only one stop between 2.1 and Android phones with honeycomb already compressed (3.0) predominate. OEMs can show some tablets honeycomb at CES and many manufacturers supply the product in 2011. Some of them offer its first serious challenge IPAD.
The platform of mobile telephony and the wars of the reaction is quite similar in 2010, Microsoft is doing everything it can to try to interest in its platform to stimulate cell phone revival, Windows 7. Android will continue its impressive growth, and Apple, as indicated above, to extend its iPhone 4 reach a new vehicle.
The biggest story in the mobile will be the connection. 4G is now a known quantity, even if all firms offer flavors and different speeds and there is not, in fact, true 4G. This is what matters to consumers, despite the speed. 4G is even faster than many DSL connections. 4G consumers not only desire, I hope that the application and any company that offers no risk and deliver 4G 2011 or you as a customer. Pricing models, however, affect the demand a bit and could lead adopters painful moments before they use their first projects, the data.
If the social norm. Although many small businesses up and down (which someone has a account, how many were belly-up in 2010?), Twitter, Facebook, and above all continue to thrive. Google will probably have some new social platform in the spring. I hope it's better than the wave or buzz. I feel like the search giant as close to all their different services have to be a recipe for success. Located in central office can have a meaning.
Expect Facebook to its hot pace of innovation. More than one million users and a new much more. The company could try to start their own search engine, but I think the deeper integration of Google, is how things go. Twitter quickly or not so noticeable improvements grow. However, will change gradually, and drop the further or prevent non-existence in their attempt users on
I do not expect major changes in the space of HDTV. Most models of 2011 are ready and offers Internet support 3D, but I'll bet that few consumers will benefit from it. The biggest changes come at the decoder side. I do not know if the TV Google survive the year. Apple TV, and even a small update in the fall.
If lick his wounds Google ends up with Google TV next year, I think we could see a very different story in the notebook and desktop space. Spend time with the operating system from Google Chrome and a laptop CR-48 has convinced me that there is a market for this upstart OS. 2011 could be an exciting year for Google Chrome and annoying for Microsoft Windows.
Microsoft, of course, continue to the coast on the money train of Windows 7. The operating system is a success, and the insurgency, even brazen Chrome OS will not change that in 2011. I expect Microsoft to offer a preview of Windows 8, but the operating system is at least one year. When rumors of Windows on my arm, I think that might be true, but I wonder if you really Windows 7, not a full Windows operating system.
We always talk about the clouds in 2011, but at the end of the year, this term should fall out of favor as more and more people that "The Cloud" is clear "on the Internet and remote servers." This does will not diminish interest in offsite storage, data access always. Each company is a major issue in this technology. Google has become a part of your DNA. Microsoft raised its prices for large users to Cloud. In 2011, the company his ridiculous "in the cloud" given up advertising campaign for something descriptive of Internet storage, use and benefits of the application.
Wikileaks will remain a part of our daily discourse, the besieged Assange Julian more and more secret documents. I bet we will see, to do at least a harder line on the same as Wikileaks. In the end, it is clear that it is impossible to fully secure data over the Internet.
FCC net neutrality order supports the first test campaign of many dishes, although I do not know whether the total size of the order shall be published by spring.
Space Robotics languorous you see some revival in 2011 and maybe even a surprise or two, or it could be only an illusion of me.
Ultimately, the best part of 2011, as this year, which is not expected. I hope the surprising innovations, new gadgets spectacular, incredible and amazing controversy extinction. That all my 2011th
I wish you all a happy new year.

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