Wednesday, December 29, 2010

First Night Boston 2011

One could say that every game is a great game, if you're the Toronto Maple Leafs are struggling to reach the playoffs again is. But still, here are six key parts of the new year.
1. January Ottawa
Nothing like starting the new year with the right foot with a war game in Ontario. Both teams are fighting their way out of the playoffs looking leaves are 5-4-0 against Ottawa last season and a half. A victory here is a must for the Leafs, if you decided to move before the teams ahead of them. Jason Spezza on the Senators are in an even weaker position.
10. January in Los Angeles
The leaves are beginning a stretch of four games against teams in the Western Conference with a three-game trip that starts in West Los Angeles at the end of the week, the Maple Leafs - now 3-4-0 against the West - is almost completely with games against teams from the other conference participants. The West is the toughest conference and treading water will be considered against what is known as building confidence for a young team.
1. February against Florida
The game is the Panthers first in a stretch of six games in 10 nights against beatable teams. A team, the Atlanta Thrashers, is in a playoff spot. It is probably most of the lineup in the second half of the season. The way teams play in the playoffs does not regularly inspected by a team on the rise mark.
27. February in Atlanta
Normally, the Thrashers a must in the team, especially because the fans of Atlanta will probably see not much. However, the change is remarkable, and they are young, too. Hopefully by then his inexperience shows. This is a game Sunday afternoon - the second of the Maple Leafs all year - and the second a back-to-back "(Toronto plays in Pittsburgh the night before) the leaves do not even back in the scenarios.-to-back, if you throw something it could be a sign of progress to be Toronto's 0-4-0 in the first game of a back-to-back, 0 - 3-1 in the second game.
13. March in Boston
They call the action from Phil Kessel, but Leaf fans will be watching closely how the Bruins play fate of the two teams are so closely linked. to do the best in the Leafs, the lower part of this project is the first-round pick that Boston is going on this summer. This is the last part of the transaction is complete boiler, a ghost who could never rest. The leaves are 1-1-0 against Boston this season, but the Bruins play four times in the second half. Boiler not score against his former team. Tyler Seguin, the second pick against Boston last year in lost trade Kessel scored against Toronto.
9. April against Montreal
The last game of the season. Perhaps there is nothing on the line for the whole team, but it is sure to be a dandy. Montreal, in all likelihood a playoff spot locked up, and Toronto will prove to be his last chance, he may have lost a team in the playoffs. When Montreal needed a victory to take a berth, the Leafs would not waste this opportunity. Canadians have a clear second choice for hockey fans in Toronto to promote the playoffs (which is not a playoff game have seen live since 2004) to be. This is partly historical, but the Habs have their way in the popularity of the GTA, recently in Toronto, raised Mike Cammalleri and PK Subban.

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