Thursday, December 30, 2010


2011 on the left bank of a role is not always recycled. 2011 in the stanza of a poem unfinished. Delta 2011 in light of world citizenship. 2011 in a parallel world in which most social upheaval. 2011 bags packed for another trip sidereal. 2011 addition of the chimes of a tower erected on an island empire.2011 promises of fraternity without any extended minutes. 2011 accomplishments of the same humanity without the trenches of a minefield.

Alliances of 2011 and also a marriage of English royalty. 2011 and also the stories of more than a crowned princess. 2011 at a depth of discontent in mineral wealth exploited. 2011 on the machine within and beyond public flaunting of a parliament shamelessly paid. 2011 slices in a frosted cake with cherry colored artificially. Disinherited by municipalities in 2011 over a presidential decree. 2011 in the Federated States so far ignored by the central power.

2011 perpetuated the institutional disagreements in the election polls. 2011 reissued the samba carnival at the carnival. Duchy of 2011 continued in the same coat very Republican. 2011 County in no way provincial. 2011-bit of the good served by more than one party in any child. 2011 pinged reheated coffee in the pot called Brazil. 2011 of haggis goat more than Bahia. 2011 of corned beef and banana yellow sometimes green, sometimes brown mature.2011 of the veiled threat in the return anything silent censorship.

2011 of a new decade of continued environmental impact. 2011 opened a new clearing in the rainforest. 2011 a new set of regional integration in via waterway navigable and navigated. 2011 a novel written in the Federal District. 2011 more than a slum partially evacuated by the armed forces more than operational.2011 civil and military sentinel on duty full time. 2011 health surveillance within and beyond the public coffers breached by corruption recorded in the annals.2011 for a homeland aware of their constitutional duties. 2011 of a comprehensive country in fundamental rights.

2011 of a novel literature. 2011 rolled in a ball of yarn in the same tissue culture rather than ministerial.

2011 from a hunger sated and a government program.2011 of a literate child within and beyond the functional. 2011 of an infant enrolled within and beyond the school. 2011 from a university initiated within and beyond the racial quota. 2011 from a national survey without the embarrassment of educational incompetence revealed in the annual stakes testing. 2011 with a sick bed available in more than one hospital. 2011 the first elected president of Brazil on behalf of equality. 2011 Peace in the name of humanity. 2011 progress on behalf of the written order with full justice and total freedom.

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