Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Reese Witherspoon Engaged

While there clearly are close friends and family are Reese Witherspoon, who gushes about his participation, it seems likely that ex-boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal is not among them. Gyllenhaal and Witherspoon date seriously, but he always broke because he wanted Gyllenhaal, Reese commit while not wanting to get married.

    Or at least that was the story.

    But to the participation of the actress of 34 years to 40 years old Hollywood agent, Jim Toth, we can not help wondering if there just want more to the story than that, or, you do not get married to Jake. It seems hard to imagine there would be a candidate for marriage to be desirable, but to each his own right?

    What do you think? Do you think more of their separation was what I meant? Witherspoon is not ready to get married recently? Or is that not only wants to marry Jake? Maybe they did not want another actor, after things ended with her ex-husband, Ryan Phillippe?

    In any case, seems to Gyllenhaal developed are now in 21-year-old cross country star Taylor Swift music.

    All's well that ends well!

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