Thursday, December 30, 2010

Geraldine Hoff Doyle

The wife, the famous World War II inspired the "We Can Do It!" poster is dead.

    Geraldine Doyle Hoff was 17 when a photographer United Press in 1942, taken prisoner to work in a steel mill in Michigan, a red polka dot handkerchief carried.

    Her pretty face attracted the attention of artist J. Howard Miller, who was tasked by the government, a series of motivational posters for pesticide workers.

    The face on the poster was Doyle, but the muscles are not strong, said his daughter Stephanie Gregg Eaton Rapids, Michigan, the New York Times.

    "You big, muscular arms had, " said Gregg obituary in the Times. "She was 5 feet 10 and thin, a girl glamorous eyebrows, lips, beautiful face shape is -..."

    Doyle has concerned work on the system after only two weeks, it could hurt your hands and not in a position to play cello again, the Washington Post. She took a job at a soda fountain, where she her future husband.

    The program was not an icon for the empowerment of women, but Doyle has never recognized his own face in until 1984, when I saw in the magazine Modern Maturity, Lansing (Mich.) State Journal.

    Doyle was 66 years at the dentist Leo Doyle, who died in February. They had six children, 18 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren. Geraldine Doyle died on Sunday in a hospital in Lansing, said his daughter. She was 86th

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