Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Malawi Madonna was able to visit this Christmas, but leave the children in six orphanages she did not know that funds were essentially on their heads this season.

    Toy boxes, chocolates, candies and other clothes were was a handwritten note sent from the star:: .. "My children of Malawi and the day after Christmas, I would soon be with you, M."

    Among the surprises were boxes of Christmas cards signed miniature byMadonna, Lourdes and Rocco.

    "How sweet is this woman, " said Lucy Chipeta, Director of the House of Hope orphanage in Mchinji, where Madonna adopted her son David in 2006 about 500 children climbed shelves for toys and chocolate.

    Near another orphanage, Consol Homes, more than 1,000 people were invited from the surrounding villages to a garden party. All orphans and destitute children who have registered with the Centre to clothing.

    Madonna says she still loves the traditional dances of the villagers made for her during her visit, "said Yacinta Chapomba, director of Consol Homes." They asked us to invite many villagers as possible to celebrate Christmas. "

    The singer plans to return to Malawi in November next U2singer Bono, but the journey, according to sources, has been postponed until spring.

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