Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Julian Assange

Julian Assange has signed an agreement for a book worth more than $ 1,000,000 in funds to pay the legal bills Wikileaks. The business had a mixed reaction to Julian Assange and Wikileaks.
In the year 2010 ends, companies have very different reactions to Wikileaks founders Julian Assange - cutting trade agreement signed lucrative contracts.
On Monday, New York, the publishing house Alfred A. Knopf told the Associated Press that the company signed an agreement with Mr. Assange his autobiography, "before the holidays." Assange, 28 November Release orchestrated a flood of secret U.S. diplomats cables, said the Sunday Times of London that the acquisition over $ 1,000,000 in earnings. Said $ 800,000 came from Knopf and about $ 500,000 from the British publisher Canongate.
"I did not write this book, but I have to," said Assange The Sunday Times. Said she already spent the equivalent of $ 310,000 in legal fees. "I have to defend myself and keep water Wikileaks he told the newspaper.
Assange is currently under house arrest in Britain in the fight against the extradition to Spain for crimes including rape and sexual abuse. The hearings on this issue must begin January 11. He denied all accusations. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said he was concerned with consideration of different options to the publication of the U.S. intelligence agencies from Wikileaks.
At least one more book Wikileaks was given the green light. On 22 December Crown Publishers, said in February it would book a former spokesman Daniel Domscheit Wikileaks Mountain, also known as a start to Daniel Schmitt. The book is called "Wikileaks. My time with Julian Assange most dangerous site in the world"
A statement from the Crown, quoted by the Associated Press, said the book shows the development, financial and internal tensions "within the organization. Assange Schmitt broke with the organization three months ago and plans to launch his own website, called Openleaks.org.
While the controversy can be seen as offering a competitive advantage in the field of publishers of industries have evolved from the turmoil surrounding the Wikileaks release "classified documents be seen moving. The U.S. government said the site actions to national security have undermined damaged and diplomatic efforts.
Recently, Apple Inc. delete an application from your online store that users can access the iPhone and the content of the website Wikileaks IPAD. "The request was only for a few days in the App Store before they are removed, reports Reuters.
"We have the application for the App Store for Wikileaks withdrawn against our rules," Apple said in a statement 22nd December. "Applications must comply with all local laws and can not a person or a group of targets at risk," the company said.
continue following the announcement by Apple, Google App Store for Android to multiple requests for access to documents, Wikileaks, reported Reuters.
More typical was the response from Visa, MasterCard and PayPal. All organizations have failed to provide payment services to Wikileaks. Visa statement its decision was typical. The credit card company told The Associated Press that he would "suspend the acceptance of Visa payment on the website Wikileaks, pending further studies on the nature of your business and if you do not follow the rules of operation of the visa."

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