Monday, December 20, 2010

Word Of The Year

Indicative of the economic and political conditions of 2010, the "severity"as the word of the year announced.

    "Strict"- defined as "enforced or extreme economy " - was the most searched term in place throughout the year, especially if the debt crisis hit Europe in the spring.

    "Austerity clearly resonates with many people, "said Peter Sokolowski, editor at large at Merriam-Webster said on, in a statement Monday.

    "It is often used as part of the state action, but also applies to our personal finances and what is sometimes called the new normal," he added.

    The maximum number of two search words were found "pragmatic"with "moratorium"on the third, and "socialism", followed in fourth place came.

    "Lush, " came in eighth in the list according to their popularity in October that the rescue of 33 trapped miners were brought to Chile in circulation worldwide.

    Top Ten Words of 2010

    1. Severity.

    2. pragmatic.

    3. Moratorium.

    4. Socialism.

    5. intolerant.

    6. Double.

    7. . beat

    8. enthusiastic.

    9. Dissidents.

    10. Poaching.

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