Monday, December 20, 2010

Chronic Heartburn

For most people, chronic heartburn is a major risk factor for esophageal cancer
Contrary to popular belief, the acid reflux disease, better known as heartburn known, not really a risk factor for esophageal cancer in most people after a new study.
"This is a rare form of cancer," said study author Dr. Joel H. Rubenstein, assistant professor in the Department of Medicine of the University of Michigan internal.
"About 1 in 4 people have symptoms of GERD (heartburn) and that many people," he said. "But do not get 25 percent of people, this type of cancer. Not at all."
GERD is based on an increased incidence of stomach acid into the esophagus.
Rubenstein said he was concerned that advances in medical technology increase, the enthusiasm for the detection of esophageal cancer, although there is no evidence that widespread screening is an advantage. About 8,000 cases of esophageal cancer in the United States are diagnosed each year, he said.
The study was published this month in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.
Using computer models to data from a national cancer registry and other published research on acid reflux disease, the only study of 5920 cases of esophageal cancer among whites under 80 years, with or without acid reflux disease in the population of the United States in 2005.
However, most white men was 60 years regularly with symptoms of acid reflux for 36 percent of cases. Women represent only 12 percent of cases, regardless of their age and whether it acid reflux disease.
People without symptoms of acid reflux accounted for 34 percent of cases, say the authors. Men under 60 years accounted for 33 percent of cases. For women, the cancer risk was negligible, almost as much as men to develop breast cancer, less than 1 percent, the researchers said.
However, said the vast majority of surveyed gastroenterologists, they would recommend the detection of young people with symptoms of reflux, and many women send to the test, and according to a study cited in the study.
Screening for cancer of the esophagus called endoscopy, which involves placing a tube with a tiny camera in the neck to find tumors.
Any person, acid reflux disease that develops more severe symptoms that do not respond to drugs as a problem in swallowing, unexplained weight loss or vomiting, should consult a doctor because the symptoms may "be signs of esophageal cancer, he said.
Although not shown in this study, obesity and smoking increases the risk of esophageal cancer treatment, "said Rubenstein.
The study attempts to add a reference age for cancer of the esophagus with age in general for the detection of cancers in other communities such as colon cancer (50 years) and breast cancer (40) established show comparison.
According to Rubenstein, the test should esophageal cancer are not routinely performed in men under 50 years for women because of the low incidence of cancer, independent of the frequency of the symptoms of GERD.
Although Rubenstein said that white men have a risk of esophageal cancer is about four minutes to five times higher than the risk for black men, the odds are still relatively low. Men of all ages are three times more common in colorectal cancer than for cancer of the esophagus to develop, according to a study.
Men over 60, which may suffer from GERD weekly selection to justify, "the authors concluded, but only if you know what is accurate, safe and inexpensive.
Another expert said Dr. Gregory Haber, he had concerns about the study design because it is derived from other studies and on the basis of mathematical calculation.
"I'm always a little suspicious of studies on computer models," said Haber, head of gastroenterology at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York.
Haber also noted that the tests are performed for reasons other than the discovery of cancer, with reference to the assessment of a hiatal hernia, esophagealitis, precancerous lesions and other secondary endpoints are common symptoms of GERD.
But the general conclusion that the study has important messages.
"There are good lessons to learn," he said. "He probably has the greater emphasis on the disparity between the incidence of esophageal cancer in men and women."

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