Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2010 Census Results

State Republican trend in the South and West has experienced winning a population explosion in the last ten years for political influence, while some traditional democratic country to lose in the rust belt, according to Census Bureau figures released Tuesday, to ensure proportional representation in the Chamber of Deputies.

Eight states win congressional districts, five of them, Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) supports the presidency two years ago. The big winner was Texas, a state that systematically supported Republicans for president. The population has risen by about 21 percent since 2000, and therefore has four seats in the House.As Bloomberg reported redistribution placed Hispanics in states such as Texas, in a strong position in the upcoming elections:

Texas appeared today with the political dynamics of the 2010 census, the addition of four seats in Congress and a growing Hispanic population is challenging the dominance of the Republican Party in some districts, said the legislator.

Growth since 2000 in the second most populous state of Texas had 36 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, compared with 32, the largest increase of any state, census shows. The increase raises the stakes for the Republicans, who dominated the diet in Austin since 2002 and is the new district lines.

tend In Texas, Latinos to back Democrats, said U.S. Rep. Gene Green, D-Houston, and Blake Farenthold, a Republican from Brownsville. While Hispanics make up about 37 percent of the population, the Republicans have offices all across the country selected.

However, several northern states, lose the Democratic Republic of the trend of seats after the census 2010th As explained Greg Giroux and Tomothy Homann:

New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania will lose its political influence in Congress over the next decade, as the loss of jobs in the region has contributed to slower population growth, according to official figures published today.

New York will be 27 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, against 29 seats, the Census Bureau in Washington. Number of employees specified in the state of the state agency for the year 2010, the fit of the 435 seats in the House, one of the two Houses of Congress.

The slowing of population growth in the North East is a trend for decades, fueled in part by declines in manufacturing jobs in the region. The rapid growth of the south and western regions to gain additional seats in the House that the company offers jobs in response to financial incentives for state and local governments and changed the lack of strong unions.

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