Monday, December 20, 2010

Amelia Earhart

Three bone fragments on a desert island in the South Pacific to find tested to see if Amelia Earhart - approximately 73 years after the famous female aviator disappeared while trying to circumnavigate the world in his plane.

    University of Oklahoma, are hoping the scientists found DNA from three small bone fragments on Nikumaroro Iceland, extract several thousand miles south of Hawaii, and compared to samples prepared by an anonymous member of the family provided by Earhart. The tests may take months, ABC News.

    Researchers have traveled 10 times to Nikumaroro since 1989 in an effort to determine what happened to Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan browser, during his expedition of 1937 - one of the great mysteries of the 20th Century.

    In 2007, they discovered that Nikumaroro have personal items belonging to Amelia Earhart, and finding the remains of a camp, suggesting that Earhart and Noonan could have survived a landing on the island and lived there briefly.

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