Thursday, December 23, 2010

Up On The HouseTop

Ah, the holidays are here again, I can not believe that it is almost Christmas. In the last two weeks we have all your favorite songs on the radio and when no one is listening, they could even sing. There are many songs to choose from when it comes to favorites. A favorite of all time is sung and the children learn is, on the roof.

    Up On The House Stop is a good Christmas song, fill the homes and hearts for years and years should be. If we are small, we ensure that we learn this song, so it can be passed from generation to generation. There's even a YouTube video you can see and learn the German translation of the song. Very soon, you and your family are around the Christmas tree singing the song on the roof.

    Back in 1864, when Benjamin Hanby wrote this song, I wonder if he ever thought he was a great success and would become a classic. The song was written in a small town called Par, Ohio, but somehow I'm all in the U.S. and the right in our own hearts. There are many singers who have recorded this song, but chances are you remember Gene Autry will be. Gene Autry is known for his version of the classic with Rudolph the red nose, and is known on the roof.

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