Saturday, December 25, 2010

Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods was eliminated last night from the consumer goods giant Procter & Gamble, where golfers to promote Gillette razors and shaving products.

A spokesman for the U.S. company confirmed that they do not renew their sponsorship deal with golfer, 34, who in August after revelations last year that a series of extramarital affairs had divorced.

Procter & Gamble, "Woods said contract worth several million dollars will end on New Year's Eve. Said he was not the only athlete whose sponsorship deal has not been widespread.

He said he is phasing out the "Gillette Champions" promotion, the other athletes like Roger Federer, 29, and Thierry Henry, 33 mentioned - both of which reached the final stage of their career.

However, Procter & Gamble had already removed the ads with Woods since their global marketing and advertising campaigns.

PR veteran Mark Borkowski said the timing of the announcement was carefully selected to avoid adverse publicity at Gillette, which he avoided as "a middle-of-the road to global brand."

Borkowski said: "As a measure of publicity is great news because he is buried and there is less interest [Woods] as a story you let go and you can start the new year .."

The golfer has fallen from several companies and private life became front page news, such as Pepsi, Accenture, and the U.S. giant AT & T. Others, like Nike, have followed their sponsor.

Woods, the first athlete in history to make 1 billion is still the most valuable brand in the world of sport, but.

Forbes magazine estimated his worth at $ 82,000,000 (EUR 53.1 million) in March. What was the contracts in 2009, also had his contract with Gillette, and is sure to drop significantly.

The total value of sponsorship deals Gillette Woods was lost before it awaits a decision over £ 20,000,000, capping a bad year for the golfer. This is no longer the world number one Woods is not the only tournament in 2010 and won.

Borkowski added that the deals with the support of so signed Woods with Procter & Gamble "usually very narrow and the cost of the last minute, could also explain why not give the company, when Woods was released details about his private life the first time.

He said he believed that Procter & Gamble had decided to wait until the dispute over the issues of Woods was faced with the decision to go with him, but his poor performance the past, much less value.

"The brands - including brands such as Gillette - winner and wish Tiger Woods has not won anything," said Borkowski.

"The irony is that golf is all in the head and the fact that the [fallen] is another blow to confidence. You more pressure to be set to improve their performance on the green."

The company has Woods, tennis player Roger Federer and footballer Thierry Henry as part of its program to three years marketing Gillette Champions, which began in 2007 used.

Borkowski said that some brands have been removed by change of sponsoring individuals involved because of the reputation risks.

"It will be interesting to see if personalities Gillette again ... so do not get marks are people behind him after the tournament," he said.

A number of celebrities like Kate Moss, Wayne Rooney and Kerry Katona has been given up by the authors in the past in the wake of revelations about his private life.

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