Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ozzy Osbourne

The Ozzman's always good when needed. Short meeting before the holidays, I knew it would be the perfect gift to take some time out of my cocoon phone with Ozzy Osbourne, 62, and ask how you want to take holidays and ideas about the current crop charttoppers (nursing, Gaga!) .
The rock legend and Rolling Stone columnist me last week, a whole new commercial animation clay pigeon shooting Brisk iced tea marked here and update hilarious. How are you man? How is life?
Ozzy Osbourne: I am badly burned, be on the road for some time.
Us: Well, as it is today?
OO: It was very nice. My ends of the sample each month are much worse. It is to do well because it's different. I can not really call it work because it is very hard work. It's easy - I know what I'm asking to do things properly.
Us: Why do you advertise for a large iced tea? Are you a tea drinker?
OO: Believe me, I drink lots of tea in English. I like iced tea iced tea, I think it is a refreshing drink. I have a lot of elixirs over the years. The fashion now is to make green tea, but I'm not really big on it.
Us: What did you do today?
OO: I have a lot of sentences like "I Ozzy Osbourne People want to know how to be normal, and I am saying it is normal .. in five seconds or less
Us: It is similar to the advice column you for Rolling Stone magazine?
OO: It depends. I do not want to a TV like my wife, but as another part of the industry. It is so easy, so pleasant, and the people I work with people always seem very nice. Or we do not give you a hard time. They are very welcoming people I love.
Us: Is it different from the tour?
OO: It's easy, I have a problem that calls the function. You go, "says this line. Can it be said to be more aggressive? Can you say that you're happy?" And you just made, "I'll say it again and again until what you want." With regard to records, is a piece of cake. If I make a record, the weeks and months, until the thing done. It is easy. It is a joy.
Us: How is everything else in your life?
OO: It's okay. The tour goes well, the group that I have is great. I have no complaints. For the first time in years, mostly in fact, as I have to be on the road. I burned a little to be on the way now, but that's normal. It can not be bitter or cry all the time. It really is a great time with Ozzy!
Us: Have you ever really be stressful?
OO: Do not be tired, yes, of course. In one of the shows, the public supports me. The answer I get from the audience gives me an energy boost.
Us: You never miss "The Osbournes?"
OO: No!
Us: Do not do it again so, is not it?
OO: "I remember that," Well, never say never, but the question was and the answer is no, I'm not put antennas on a new TV, but loves my wife and my two children .. ... I will not say no to a cabin in the black, but they have a TV in my house, I do not think so.
Us: Do you see any day of the reality shows? Are you a "Real Housewives" fan?
OO: I have never seen before. Well, I think I saw an episode of "The Osbournes" and saw Sharon. But it is the only real problem - take the road and I organized. I need three weeks back to my own organization. "What do you mean you can not your socks in the drawer? M on the road, so my own little world, and if they like a whirlwind back and began to rearrange my luggage, I have to hate honest." Where are my toiletries, my pants .. . But they went out and shit what label!
Us: Are you proud of Kelly? It is a big star now!
OO: Kelly is doing so well. This girl works hard, really hard working guy. The two have great people. None of us should take off like he did it - he went into the stratosphere! I did not know how to handle it, so he ended up on alcohol, drugs, but both are now clean.
Us: Are not you proud of them for the loss of all the weight?
OO: Yes, I am proud of my daughter. But if she is fat, whether I like it. But I'm so happy for her, and everyone always gives me compliments about how it looks wonderful. She is currently working on a film in New Orleans, but do not know what role or anything else to learn.
Us: Do you have a guy like you to do with?
OO: No, I will not intervene. Although not a bad guy or do the wrong thing, or press ... And listen, if someone hits one of my daughters not to have something to do, because my wife is about four hours before me, and want to do the right thing!
Us: What are your plans for the holidays?
OO: Well, I have two more concerts at this stage of the Tour, and I want to England on Monday. I spent Christmas in England, then back to my home in California, clean in the beginning of this year, the second of January. Then I spent some time at home, then in mid-January, I'll be back on the road.
Us: So what's to come? A new album?
OO: I go around, I'm writing with my band today. After completion of the tour we will take a break from each other, and then we will start to a new album.
Us: Any music you've heard today, anyway?
OO: When I'm out, I did not. The last thing I do when I get to the hotel room is to hear new music. I did not really hear - I want to watch TV and write something or something. I do not really listen because I want to pause it.
Us: Are there any tips for the current stars of the music it?
OO: I think that Lady Gaga a break for a while. There is too much, and they do not show wear. She is too overexposed. It could be the next Madonna, if you play your cards. I like it, but I'm a little tired. When I was on the TV I have a different color or a different turn. She needs a break, I think, for an hour or less. I love it, I think it's very, very funny, but it is a little too much. Every day is different. The special character is that she will die if they are not quiet. Who's going? Someone should whisper in his ear and say the other way around for a few months - that the interest of recreation. What people want, you know?
We: Justin Bieber is available everywhere.
OO: Who? Ah, the boy sat with the guitar. It's like 9 ...
Us: Well, it's actually 16 today.
OO: I've seen. I think it's the same man. I saw this man in a ceremony on the guitar to play sitting on a stool. I do not know!
Us: Well, have a great holiday, Ozzy. Everything you want to know everything?
OO: No, just that I'm still here. I'm still active, I'm on my way and hope that all of next year.

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