Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Researchers have found strong evidence cooked and ate vegetables that Neanderthals as part of their diet instead almost exclusively on meat.

    U.S. researchers grains are vegetable matter, such as date palms, vegetables and seeds from the grass in the teeth of Neanderthal skeletons in Iraq and cooked in Belgium found, according to a study in the next issue of the journal Proceedings published by the National Academy of Sciences.

    A summary of the study, said researchers found a "sophisticated global Neanderthal diets and is digested to a local food plant food most easily, in part by cooking. "

    The BBC says the study is the latest point out that, far from wild, brutal Neanderthals are more us than we thought. "

    BBC correspondent Pallab Ghosh Science says that some researchers, on the assumption that the Neanderthals have speculated almost exclusively meat eaters, has been reduced to an era that these men are like big animals like the mammoth ice.

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