Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy New Year 2011

The City of Monroe, and I hope you had a Merry Christmas and wish you a Happy New Year! I would like to thank the Council, my department manager and all city employees for outstanding service in 2010. In 2011, my government in the six main areas of intervention (economic development, marketing, Monroe, public safety, housing and growth, partnerships in education, and beautification) continued.
In addition, listed below is a brief capsule of a dozen major projects in our program for 2011.
New jobs: The use of our funds for economic development and the common resources, our team will continue with public and private partners at local, regional, state and federal governments to work for new high-paying jobs and our Monroe area.
Budget Management: We will continue to be fiscally conservative and creative under budget with the impending increase in the unfunded mandate on the pensions of firefighters and police, and flat tax.
New police chief: After reviewing the nine heads plaintiff on 6 January, I will interview suitable candidates and select a new leader this spring. I need someone to be strong in the administrative and law enforcement community relations of the Office. I would also like our new police chief that will help us nationally accredited.
Operational improvements City: Our business plan template for each department, always part of the infrastructure used to help to us, our current state (in the best surplus in the history of the town) was. We follow the development of our team approach and business model to analyze and improve on the strengths and weaknesses of the department. This helps us continue to best practices for maximizing the quality of our search service, improving internal controls, and build a solid foundation for growth and development.
Improvement of infrastructure: We are on the Rights of way acquisition, planning or construction begins on the following projects: U.S. 165 Business Connector (front gate), I-20 north and south service roads, the road I-20/Garrett exchange, the Tower Armand, Kansas Lane Connector and pavement projects in the region.
Southside Project: The City Council and the means for economic development and we are working with members of the Southside Economic Development group signature on a project to work south of Interstate 20th
Improvements to national security: We will continue to work with officials from Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness for reforms in community centers in the city. This will contribute to needed services to thousands of local citizens who visit daily, such as community centers serve as shelters for evacuees from southern Louisiana in the event of future natural disasters.
District Assemblies: For the second consecutive year, all members of the Council of the City of Monroe and I can at least two sessions in each District Council. This is an excellent opportunity for residents to express updates on city projects and ideas, concerns or problems with receiving their elected representatives.
Stops: We protect our customers from the elements with plans to start installing at least a dozen new stations near Monroe.
Downtown River Market: More than 100 suppliers have registered river market, this new outdoor, the quick arrival of a hot spot has to participate in the center of Monroe. Construction will begin in 2011.
Business Community Improvements: Plans are air conditioning, improvements to ball field, Monroe Civic Center improvements and the return of the train to the zoo and the Louisiana Purchase.
Arena Feasibility Study: We will participate in the formal process, the feasibility of building a new city hall to study stage. The demand for more top-class entertainment, we have to build a stadium with a capacity of 10000-12000 customers. We consider all possibilities, associations and bodies of that company.
This short list of new projects, you can see that our team will work in the next year. Together we are stronger. Monroe is a city of opportunity.

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