Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Obama on Wednesday morning in the historic right of the lifting of the ban 17 years, Americans signed open gays in the military.
But here, as they say, in miles before the repeal of the politics go, "Do not ask, do not tell" really applies.
Civil rights continue to gay men and lesbians currently serving in the armed forces that the ban remains in force until the Pentagon warned that the training and preparation for the implementation of the President and military leaders allowed on the bases of character, and Congress testing is 60 days.
NPR has with the road tax for gay service members Aaron still spoken in the army, and for those that have been rejected under the policy. The tax is the legal director of Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, the men and women released from military service is DADT.
The Pentagon has said there will be no "separate but equal" living the gay service members and military standards and regulations are not specific to sexual orientation. So what is the Pentagon planning and training is involved?
In the most basic level, the Pentagon can not remove "homosexual conduct" law as now framed. Homosexual behavior was defined as "statements, acts or marriage or attempted marriage to someone of the same sex." But much of this preparation will focus on leadership and training, and something similar to what happened to the training to cover equal opportunities policy and the military, for example, race, color, religion, national origin and gender. Military leaders were informed that all service members should be treated equally.
The working group of the Pentagon, which resulted in the order of Obama, a review of the repeal of a year, how would it affect military readiness and unit cohesion, the higher resistance to all people to combat and special forces. The units require no special preparation or training?
I think not. A large amount of resistance that emerged was based in the Pentagon study largely on hypothetical situations. If you did look at the vote among those who were gay people serve in their units, there was a greater acceptance of open service. has the type that took the back turns out to be gay - the biggest thing to break down the barriers, if their colleagues are in the making, and when his comrades finally be open able. If people leave to start misunderstandings and stability.
Marine Corps Commandant General James Amos was resistant to the repeal, and has recently proposed that service members can openly gay, a "distraction" would be that life could be in danger. But speaking of the White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs, said the head of Amos and the service with the president on Tuesday and had assured him that he would support the motion. Do you expect Amos barriers?
I think it will be more on the plate. I took him at his word when he told the Senate hearings, where his Marines to better enforcement of the repeal.
[Note: The Masters on Sunday, the day after the repeal was passed by the Senate, issued a statement that the Marine Corps faithfully to intelligent implementation of this new policy I, and Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps, personally. Leader of this effort, respect and dignity of all Marines. "]
What advice to gay service members to do now - in any case? And what advice they give gay Americans who want to register?
For those currently serving, unfortunately, must remain in the closet now. Do not ask, do not say remains in force until the Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman, President Obama to certify that the Department of Defense is prepared to seek the annulment. Up to 60 days after certification do not ask, do not say is still in force. You can always openly gay service members - the policy is still very much alive.
What future for those who said were met under the policy, on which they were banned for life for all military, and wants to be reinstated?
The message now is stay tuned. We work with the Department of Defense to ensure that those who are willing and able can do this again to serve his country. Those who are qualified should be able to recover the service. There are some, unfortunately, can now go back to old or not medically qualified. The Defence Ministry is to bring back those routes that are qualified to find out.
As aside, once they are done on the health benefits, retirement and survivors of service members gay?
In general, there are certain benefits that are only open to spouses. As the Defense of Marriage Act that defines marriage between a man and a woman, even afterrepeal spousal benefits would not be available to spouses of gay soldiers. We think there may be places where the receiver can be defined as a "family member", and that some benefits can be for spouses of service members are available. Depending on how profits are defined.
Some ministers have expressed concern about his service to gay service members brought to expression. What is the message when the Pentagon sends these chaplains?
Chaplains serve the troops. By late afternoon, a chaplain in the armed forces have the free exercise of religion for all service members must be guaranteed. There is absolutely nothing about the waiver would not ask, do not say that would interfere or affect in any way that obligation. We worked with a number of former and retired military chaplains, who were in contact with the Pentagon's Task Force to explain its position that the chaplains are there for the free expression of religion, regardless of their sexual orientation. We will continue to work with counselors to ensure that all service members to spiritual guidance and support they need.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates said during his recent testimony on Capitol Hill, the Pentagon time to implement the waiver is to prepare, but said that does not mean that the military can "go slow" change. But the effort of 11 hours, GOP Senate, Mitch McConnell, minority leader, on Tuesday to change the terms of the application allows it to block further attempts to delay or cancel. Realistically, when you see the full implementation of the waiver?
I have no doubt that the opponents speak of aside, but Congress has spoken, and therefore the President, Admiral Mullen and Defense Secretary Gates. Nothing will stop the implementation of the repeal, and we look for the certification within 60 days of waiting in the first quarter of 2011.

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