Sunday, December 19, 2010

Blair Witch Project

If you go into the forest at night ... You can not believe your eyes.

    Because judging by the pictures on the website of a game that is spirit crouched like Spider-Man has rocked the whole Blair Witch Project.

    A deer hunter in the United States released a video, said the baby in the WildGames website innovations - piercing eyes and white is not the guy you want to meet in a dark night.

    The hunter said he was hiding in the dark, as full range of its macabre sight.

    Her eyes in the light of his flashlight, which sprang from the bushes and looked into the camera before he disappeared again sparkled in the bushes.

    The hunter who wished to remain anonymous, said he was so frightened that he broke the camera, it recovered the image of your memory chip is in good condition.

    The photo was taken on a reservation near Berwick, Morgan City, Louisiana.

    Internet users agree with this is nothing but a joke - and discussing a number of applications from a video game he had seen two years ago, has been stolen.

    But the hunters that not a hoax.

    Conspiracy theorists may note the similarity between squats, you represent and the figure of Spider-Man, whose last big screen adventure began firing.

    The still-untitled fourth Spider-Man was published in July 2012 and return to the beginning of the story of Peter Parker.

    And know the manufacturer, go to nothing to promote upcoming movies do, there's always the possibility of this "secret" could run and run.

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