Sunday, December 26, 2010

TSunami Videos

Access to old movies online through Netflix, the most important questions of Internet regulation so obscure that discussions about network neutrality never identified the consumer's attention.

Customers see the Federal Communications Commission deals with a dispute between Comcast and Level 3 Communications, a provider of Internet video from Netflix. Which side is the FCC access - public opinion or selfish interests of the company with the possibility of raising tolls on the Internet?

This anticipates the tension an announcement later this month by the FCC Chairman, Julius Genachowski on net neutrality and fundamental to consumer protection. The slide is obviously in the take-off and landing runways of the President open to "pay-as-you-go plans. Consumers would pay for the time with the Web. The price difference is an expression of art.

The fight is for the eyes of the viewer and advertiser. Comcast has to promote its base and cable TV companies, in particular, which in the exercise of a controlling interest in the media giant NBC Universal. Netflix, the ability of the observer with online video content to attract directly challenges the business model from Comcast.

Comcast's ability to collect tolls is and for different levels of use precise handling of access to content consumers want - in the case of Netflix, video streaming of movies and old TV shows.

No positive effect of false accusations. No matter how low interest rates may be labeled or justified, or if the system is concerned, the end user to pay.

Any erosion of net neutrality by the company's mandate and fee structure is a threat to consumer access and choice and competition affect Internet.

Do not give a handful of ISPs with ambitions to consumer access and choice of influence to control it. Gold Dress rationalizations, no end. Still insulting the idea that the FCC, because he was in the service is abused.

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