Monday, December 27, 2010

Saharan Cheetah

Sahara Cheetah, one of the most mysterious cats in the world, was discovered in a room Termit, Niger.

   According to environmentalists, they began a series of dark images of cheetah after a year of research. They also said that less than ten of these mysterious cats are there in the desert, and almost anything they Termit except for their ability without a stable source of water to live at high temperatures to be identified.

   Last week, scientists in Africa south of the Sahara Conservation Fund (SCF) worked a cheetah pictures taken from July to August 2010 has been released. Have look at the camera, without the cat problem, the light a long tail and seems to spots on the back.

   On the other hand, said Dr. John Newby, Executive Director of the CFS project, he believed that they were happy than surprised when the cheetah published photos because he had seen their tracks in many cases.

   But the doctor also noted that the place so great that the bringing of an animal as extraordinary as the cheetah good luck and good decision on the location of the cameras need to be recorded.

   In addition, CFS scientists have on wildlife sanctuaries Termit solid and concentrated in the desert near Tin Toumma. While environmentalists have been working on the site over the past ten years, the cheetah has caught three times and never thought, until now.

   On the other hand seems to live to a variety of colors and patterns stitch most often cheetahs in a different region of Africa. In addition, said Dr. Thomas Rabeil CFS cheetahs are shy Termit solid, rarely shown to visitors and sometimes even go researcherswho.

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