Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Net Neutrality Pros And Cons

The Federal Communications Commission [FCC] has developed network neutrality rules, approved in order to protect Internet freedom and openness.

    For many, this may be a solution to a problem that does not exist to solve. In fact, might even end up slowing the progression of ideas to achieve, results.

    Several members of Congress are already on the warpath, with references to the 1996 Act of Congress to review [ARC] come into play, in an effort to fight the plans of the FCC.

    The CRA provides the opportunity for Congress to repeal the FCC, if necessary. Fred Upton said Michigan Republic: "hostile actions by the FCC to create innovation, investment and employment can not afford."

    Upton continued, "Today's vote is a sad fact that this government and the FCC to ignore the will of the American people -. our new majority to protect individual freedom by reducing the size and scope of government responsibility "

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