Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mia Wasikowska

Who was the best actor extrapolation of 2010? You have to go through the rabbit hole to find out.

    Australian actress Mia Wasikowska, who played the lead role in "Alice in Wonderland" was second on the list, just behind Leonardo DiCaprio.

    PHOTOS: Best Movies of 2010

    The list compiled by Forbes magazine, the actions of the players who have won more money at the box office this year. DiCaprio "Inception" is $ 1100000000 in worldwide box office, while "Alice in Wonderland" was 1030000000 $.

    Wasikowska has also starred in the critically acclaimed film "The kids are fine," with Annette Bening and Julianne Moore, the film received a respectable $ 29,000,000 at the box office -. Return to good health, because the film was turned in only a budget of $ 4,000,000, said Forbes.

    Johnny Depp has also starred in two films in the list - "Alice in Wonderland" and "The Tourist", which earned 29 million U.S. dollars in worldwide box office.

    Does Jaden Smith, son also appeared on the list with his summer hit "The Karate Kid" (359 million), as stars Robert Pattinson (749 million) and Kristen Stewart (698 million U.S. dollars) the money brought for the "Eclipse"and the Absence of "Twilight" projects - ". Runaways" Patterson also appeared in "Remember Me, " while Stewart Joan Jett played

    Also on the list: Robert Downey Jr., the $ 808,000,000 U.S. box office with "Iron Man 2" and the comedy "Expiration Date " and Daniel Radcliffe "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: I: Part 1 ", first introduced one months opened, but it took 780 million U.S. dollars worldwide.

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