Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas Greetings

More horror here that are anything but "politically correct " and we extend our greetings to all a Merry Christmas and best wishes for this year. In fact, we love horror movies, the macabre and things that can happen at night, but we also have families and friends, dear to us.

    We believe that is important in this time of year, the incredible freedom we have to believe what you want to note about this time of year. Many of us were raised to Father Christmas, others believe in the birth of Christ, Jews, and more. Personally, the more personal horror, they were all raised differently, and understand that this is a time of year, we can say Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah, or anything else. It is to be respected and a posteriori.

    If you are looking to spread a little joy in this season, send someone a Merry Christmas greeting card. You can find many free online at or Or you can always e-mail to someone only ones who still works well. Happy Holiday Friends of Terror, ya dig!

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