Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Make A Wish

Exactly two weeks before Christmas three girls with bows in her hair, Mrs. Prindable Niles, full of emotions.
Located at 7425 N. Croname way, Mrs. Prindable artisan pastry shop is a paradise for children and adults with a sweet tooth sweet. Bars of chocolate covered pretzels, caramel nut clusters of large bars of chocolate and caramel truffles are only three initial groups of women Prindable main characters: their gourmet candy apples.
For six years, Sara Martorano and his sisters - Maria, 7, and Anna, 3 - would be a special gift, literally and figuratively. Norwood Park family came to see first hand how candy apples are made for the Christmas season.
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Illinois invited Sara and her family to Mrs. Prindable for a unique experience. Happy Sarah's blue eyes showed no sign that they had once fought a ruthless enemy: cancer.
In November 2008, when he was only 4 years, Sara has been with stage IV Wilms Tumor / Wilms' tumor, a kidney cancer that affects 500 children diagnosed each year in the United States. At Advocate Lutheran General Hospital for Children in Park Ridge, Sara has three operations, 33 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation therapy was 12 sessions. His left kidney had to be removed.
In October 2009, the Make-A-Wish Foundation Sara desire to visit Disney World. This year, Make-A-Wish sent Mrs. Prindable Martorano as "pick-me-up" activity.
Jessica Miller, communications director for the Make-A-Wish, said the Foundation offers special activities for children waiting to be processed together on their applications or for families who might benefit from a pleasure trip.
"If (the families of children with health problems) have the ability to just go, is a good opportunity," Miller said.
Visit Sara on 11 December the first time that Mrs Prindable with Make-A-Wish teamed for a tour of their facilities. The timing was perfect: In December, Ms Prindable a cross between Willy Wonka's chocolate factory and workshop of Santa Claus. The plant operates 24 hours a day following the holiday orders placed from November to December. Michael Bibbey, Vice President of Marketing said, 70 percent of the company of Mrs. Prindable occurs only in December.
Production Manager Wendy Bettinger served as a guide for the girls to visit in person. Bettinger has worked with Mrs. Prindable nine years and called it his "second home".
Bettinger first gave his sisters Sara and hair nets to be used in the system.
"You can stop the tour now," joked his mother, Erin Martorano. "That was the part were the happiest."
Included in his jacket off and brown boots, sisters and parents attended Bettinger Martorano at the loading dock, where trucks waited to fill gaps with day shipping. Each truck can hold up to 400,000 cases of products, "said Bettinger.
Bars big boxes along the walls leading to the residence.
"On the left side of the list of our M & M," Bettinger said that the girls replied in unison, "Delicious"
The lady apples Prindable Empire 3-inch in the orchards of California and Michigan, and giant Granny Smith apples in Washington, said Bettinger. He referred to a case of "rejected" the apples, which the company's suppliers will be returned. The apples are discarded if they have defects, such as soft spots or bruised skin.
After the apples are weighed, washed and tested quality, travel on a conveyor line workers operating machinery to insert a stick in the bottom of each apple. Then hand dipped caramel apples from hot cooked the same day. Butter, sugar, cream, vanilla and other secret ingredients in copper kettles are combined to create candy, "said Bettinger. The sweets are made in small quantities to ensure quality and consistency for better monitoring.
The Martorano Cross as an employee named Rosella a Granny Smith apple into the caramel. Rosella showed their technique in order to remove the excess by Caramel Apple stick between his two hands and turn the block back and forth.
"Mom, not even a mess", Sara said in fear.
Bettinger led the family to receive coatings, candy apples come. Then double-dip is good, "said Bettinger.
"Oh man," said Joe Martorano, a father of girls, such as chocolate, aromatic senses overcame his youngest daughter describe her mother's arms buried, added:. "Anna can, you feel it?"
Martorano considered the line workers judiciously applied layers melted chocolate, nuts and candy toppings caramel apples for the creation of eight blocks of signature gourmet wife Prindable. Caramel apples were rolled by hand and walnuts pecans, then dipped into a vat of chocolate pudding. Apples were triple chocolate milk, chocolate, black and white wounded.
After all layers are applied is a jumbo gourmet apples 4 1 / 2 tall and weigh up to 2 pounds, said Bettinger. Each apple serves eight to 10 people.
Bettinger Martorano has also shown how small apples are dipped in a candy machine until the ingredients are applied by hand. A nearby computer generated displays the number of fresh apples per season. At that time, the rate of creation of apples dipped in white chocolate was 50 per minute.
Finally, the tour reaches the end of the process, when the apples are packed with sugar-coated. The girls saw gift baskets, how fast will the block, with Christmas decorations and bows, then transferred into boxes for shipment decorated.
Bettinger said that his tour had officially ended, but a special day of "Martorana was not carried out because the girls were allowed their candy to create. Sara, Maria and Anna selected block size, since the ingredients sprinkled with sweet caramel and selected. Then fit Your apples with nutcracker ornaments and bows. The girls have opted for anything pink.
Sara covered caramel apple the size of a huge rainbow of M & Ms. question whether to your treatment with anyone else want to share, Sara smiled his smile his teeth together and said, "I'm going to eat all alone"
In 2010, the Make-A-Wish Foundation Illinois Chapter 765 grant and is 25th.

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