Saturday, December 25, 2010

Khuntoria EP 26

As Christmas approaches, do the friend of the little man and Khun something together to show their hospitality and warmth.

    After concerned, it was finally decided a gift song <> to express their feelings and even found the Master of Love Songs, RA.D..

    Jo Kwon - balladeer with anxiety Nickhun rap - rapper in a dance group, weighted feel to ballads.

    How can such harmony, both spouses work, despite a good chemistry exhibited together for the first time since its inception?

    How to show men their understanding of their wives?

    A few days later to help, "the person can not make the events" Nickhun problems on how to make the song as a gift for Victoria. Junho Sung Chan 14.00 and offer an idea that redemption of the "nightmare" may cry "could."

    Junho Sung Chan and co-workers did not hesitate a day to be Nickhun help .. It may be his wife at the end of the stage, which was formed under the leadership of Khun director to be played? What would happen in the first Christmas is Khuntoria?

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