Monday, December 20, 2010

Jurassic Park

Imagine, if you can, dinosaurs roaming southeastern Alaska 150 to 200 million years ago.
Regular Jurassic Park!
Until last summer, recent discoveries of dinosaur bones and tracks from Alaska to the Cretaceous period, about 80000000 years had been limited.
This all changed when a team like the University of Alaska Fairbanks scientists documented trace fossils in southwestern Alaska, they say back in the Jurassic period, which extends from 150 to 200 million years, scientists UAF.
"With one stroke, that the record of dinosaurs in Alaska pushes back over 50 million years," Patrick Druckenmiller, curator of earth sciences said at the University of Alaska Museum of the North, Assistant Professor of Geology and Geophysics Department UAF.
In 1975, geologists discovered mapping of the rocks near the Bay Chignik seemingly three-toed dinosaur tracks in a sandstone cliff. The group photographed the site, but not another at a time.
Thirty-five years later, Druckenmiller and a team of scientists have tried to find the location in this table and the complete document on the website. The team consisted of Kevin May Museum, Sarah Fowell UAF geologist and paleontologist Paul McCarthy and invertebrate Robert Blodgett Anchorage.
The question of logistical problems. The area is mountainous and remote country known for its high density of coastal brown bears. The exact location of the track was also uncertain whether dirt Miller permission in both Chignik Lagoon Native Corp. started work. Earth and the Alaska Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge. The work is based in Chignik Bay.
With the help of helicopter pilot sat Egli King Salmon, the team has a work camp at a distance and went to work. Mai says, he found the place after only two days of searching.
"After looking at the photo of the year 1975 has now been a real pleasure to finally see how he in real life," he said.
Layer is almost vertical slopes tilted and could not be reached with climbing equipment. Once they reached the site, and in May Druckenmiller makes replicas of each track for the study and exhibition in the museum.
The trip marked a surprising amount of information, "said Druckenmiller.
"Because of their size and shape, we can say that the footprints of a man-sized, meat-eating (theropod) dinosaurs were," he said. "We could even print tips its claws. That these issues makes it particularly rare."
The rest of the team looked at the rocks on the lookout for more tracks and could show that these dinosaurs were supposed to walk on the sand on the beaches in the late Jurassic how long before Alaska and modern form.
Druckenmiller said the results provide a new chapter in the history of life that once existed in Alaska and in the hope of a return to the site in the near future.
"We're pretty sure there other surprises await us there are," he said.

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