Monday, December 20, 2010

Jud Birza

Again and again, in "Survivor: Nicaragua", fans of the series complained loudly that the last group of participants was by far the dumbest of the group to the game and the recent signs that he played in the victory.
Jud birža Pretty Boy, better known by fans as Fabio, Chase Rice defeated by one vote to win the title of Sole Survivor and the price of one million dollars. He was also the youngest player to win in 21 years to the game. It is interesting that it came to these two men - Sash Lenahan got no love from the jury - as it seemed almost a fight between Dumb and Dumber. (Juror Martin Piombo even suggested a crazy price bag of hammers, the most likely to Chase, who could not stand it.)
Program and candidates regularly reminded Chase was stupid in his strategy. On several occasions, and made friends won the confidence of the other candidates, only to stab in the back and vote every time. Everything on the flip-flop, cheap shots and play your own feelings instead of his head would have based it almost impossible for him to win the vote, but received four.
The game is much better as a strategist Sash? Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps the fact that he has received four votes to zero Sash had something to do with the final Tribal Council. Asked if he won the million dollars would do what he said, that Chase is $ 100,000 for charity, and cares for his mother to take. It is hard not to want to reward good intentions.
As for Fabio, the season played the role of "dumb blonde", as Shannon Elkins, who was eliminated in the second week, he said. It is hard that week after week, the student model argue and does things that swim a lot to be stupid, urinate in a pool in the world had to consider the implementation of the barefoot in the forest Tropical and received a random walk path. If not for his three consecutive wins, the challenge of immunity, the end of the game, he had never shot. Fortunately for him he won and did not hurt that - as noted by the jury - which played a friendly match and you never have someone to get hurt, where he was.
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But, as Chase has its answers during the last Tribal Council may tip the vote in his favor, but does not believe his escape under the radar, a forward strategy. In his resignation NaOnka Fabio Mixon saw his mother helped him start the fight prompted the model began to get tears in my eyes. He said that since the beginning of the game, "daydreamt I could do for my family." After a few tears and a little swearing, admitted that the thought of his mother took him to the end. At the end of his speech, he swore the members Benry Henry and Brenda Lowe wiped her tears.
Acting the fool may have been have a very smart move by Fabio, the rest is underestimated. Who would have thought that such a gaffe would be a threat? "I always knew I would wait until the last moment to aggressive," he said. And he was. After winning the last two challenges, members played together and forced the other Fabio Alliance Chase, sash and Holly break, and reveal their lies and plans not only for him but the jury.
And, the last nail in the coffin of the scarf was. He broke so many promises to various people and partnerships, which also gave purple Kelly, who always has on his side, her voice to another person. At tribal council, apologized to play with as he was to reach the final, but it was too little too late. Jane Bright, once part of the alliance, "said River Rats in New York, and Dan called him a liar and a cheat, not to mention the thorns.
Probst: Why smoking is part of the "Survivor" juryBut this is not the last three in the reunion show. There was of course a lot of bad attitude NaOnka (his mother has apparently not been surprised by the behavior of her daughter), not to mention the fact that she and Kelly in purple in the game. Probst announced that thanks to these two ladies in the future, not the program can include leaving the jury.
And perhaps the least surprising spectacle of the night "Survivor" revealed the winner of a fan favorite Jane receives. It was the biggest landslide victory in the history of show business, he said, and the dog trainer has won $ 100,000 for being the most sympathetic of the season.

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