Monday, December 20, 2010

Jessica Fashano

At a very young age, Jessica had Fashano devoted much of his life to helping others, increasing their commitment to charitable work, which was held in the banking world.
She led the fundraising Forthe Acumen Fund, which provides loans for small enterprises in developing countries. And last month, according to her friends, she helped a fundraiser at a shop in the West Village to the heart of the house to protect co-ordinate, a charity organization, affordable housing for heart patients is available.
The idea that women Fashano, 27, an investment banking partner of Citigroup Global Markets, often as much for others was given its most tragic if it were his own life on Saturday in Manhattan instead.
According to the police entered an apartment on the West Coast we do not want to live, took the elevator to the roof and jumped to his death.
It did not take long to spread the word, and to reach the waves of perplexity to Washington, where his classmates gathered at Georgetown University for a wedding, as well as Boston, Chicago and Silicon Valley, home to friends and former colleagues and . work
"It could all just want someone to be successful," said javian Michelle, a friend. "She was always the leader, had arranged everything," said javian woman.
If she had a limousine to a friend from college to help restore a long illness, or e-mail from a vacation in Greece, the finding of a charity event she was celebrating helped to collect rent, which they knew, "he seemed more to care about others than himself.
The afternoon of Saturday surprised his friends two roommates Mrs Fashano arrived at his apartment in 53 West Street, before all leave for the night.
His apartment was about 16 blocks south of the residential tower at 180 Riverside Boulevard, where the surveillance video showed her walking on Saturday morning.
A resident said he had returned from walking his dog and went with Fashano woman in the elevator. Dressed for the cold in Ugg boots and a winter coat, asked Mrs. Fashano the woman how to get on the roof - overlooking the Hudson River and New Jersey, where Mrs. Fashano increased. The residents who remain anonymous, told Mrs. Fashano seemed awake and conscious.
At 8:13, the police discovered her body in a courtyard, where he was pronounced dead. According to police, not the alleged offense.
Why Women Fashano Riverside Boulevard building is one of the many questions surrounding his death. She left no note, and although the police said he would be treated for depression, friends, and associates said he was always cheerful.
"It's like something just changed overnight," said Javier, he spoke with Ms. Daily Fashano likely to have brunch and said to her on Saturday morning. "Something snapped, and not know it."
Ramzi J. Ramsey, a former mergers and acquisitions analyst at Citigroup, who worked with Ms. Fashano said word of his death was "very big shock for me because I really had one of the biggest hearts I knew."
She said she has a fundraising event for the Bank New York Times poorest of the fund in 2008.
"People tend to like what they make it difficult to attract the attention of all parties involved," said Ramsey, adding that the popularity of women's Fashano, contributed to the effort.
According to his profile on the site for inspection, Mrs Fashano of "The blue sweater," a memoir of Jacqueline Novogratz, founder of insight was inspired, he developed a philosophy of using entrepreneurial skills to combat poverty.
If the fundraising arm of the Acumen Fund to help in search for new people to manage more than 500 volunteers, Fashano woman "was really a natural choice," said Nina James West, a co-chairman.
"Every time someone wanted to do something, I could always count on Jesus," said West. Since July 2009, he added, Fashano wife was instrumental in organizing three events contributed to over $ 50,000 for the fund.
accumulate Fashano woman who grew up in Whippany, New Jersey, until such time as full-time as a private non-profit work for more knowledge, finances, "said javian.
But in the meantime, his smile was ever present, surrounded with big brown eyes with long black hair, and watch over the new charity events in the Hamptons and Manhattan. And you could hear.
"If there is a space of 30 or 40 people that would know for sure if he was there or not," said Ramsey. "I will not say more, but it has a very unique laugh."

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