Monday, December 27, 2010

The Death Clock

29. October 1999, "Framework Convention on Tobacco Control snuff," created the first working group, also of diseases related tobacco, snuff recordedin the "Death Clock" start time, date died nearly 5000 million people worldwide die of diseases related to causes of snuff. That every 5.8 seconds he is dead.
"Death Clock" at the beginning of the program, every 8 seconds a person died from diseases caused by tobacco and snuff. For 2006, the date of his death in 6.5 seconds.
Currently reduces the moment of death and to 5.8 seconds.
According to the World Health Organization predicts the future, "Death Clock" time is further reduced.
"Framework Convention for the control of Snuff" is a world of snuff control treaty, China 10 November 2003 signed the "Agreement" and 28 August 2005 by the National People's Congress for approval. 9. January 2006, "Convention" came into force in China.
So far, 171 countries, the "Framework Convention on Tobacco snuff," the party.
"Convention" 8-13, the parties in fulfilling their obligations if the line if the necessary and effective legislative, executive, administrative or other, and their implementation, as appropriate, directly or through mutual cooperation of the competent international organizations.
Qun Wu Yi, have not made the Chinese authorities to control law snuff or take appropriate measures, but also negative against the convention.
It is assumed that "snuff the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control" held at the Fourth Meeting of States Parties, in Uruguay in mid-November. China sent a delegation to the meeting of 20 people, three of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Consumer Products, section 3, the state monopoly administration officials snuff ... ... 5
Sources said to prevent the meeting, the letter monopoly bureau official Chinese snuff snuff million deaths a year happen again and again emphasized that smoking is an important pillar of industry in the future for economic development should be encouraged to continue to increase production of snuff.
"Say the leaders of the snuff in the industry that smoking is a habit of fundamental human rights but also rights of smokers who downplayed the addiction to tobacco, snuff and deadly problem. And this is done refused to picture warnings on the packaging, the apparently published in a negative way is not a defect. dirtyashtray "presented to the participants of this meeting there is a dramatic scene, the Chinese delegation has already been nominated several times for" "prices, but ultimately empty allocation.
Briefing the meeting the next day, the price of "dirty ashtray" symbol with a short, said: "We are waiting for you, and you know who you are."

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