Saturday, December 25, 2010

Cooking Prime Rib Roast Recipe

Celebrate Christmas with good food. Prepare your recipe and cooking as well as his unique style of cooking. It is time to cook and eat well.

    Prime Rib is a spectacular opportunity. Christmas is very popular for the table of the many restaurants Rybin first.

    Basic preparation for the Prime Rib is important. Since the beef ribs, spices such as olive oil, salt and pepper with garlic until cooked for a period of time. Do not look to cook the ribs to keep the tenderness of the meat. Cooking time depends on how many pounds of beef ribs to cook.

    Here is the recipe for Prime Rib Roast:

    Ingridients: 1 (2-3 ribs) standing beef rib roast cooking chain, 1 tablespoon of soup. Paprika 11 / 2 c. Tea. Salt 11 / 2 c. Tea. Garlic powder, 1 teaspoon of tea. freshly ground black pepper, water, red wine or broth

    First you heat the oven to 450 degrees. Prepare your first rib by lowering bones and makes your bones are primerib bind the bone and the ribs in an L shape then the meat on the bone again with kitchen twine.

    Combine paprika, salt, garlic powder and pepper in a small bowl, mix with enough water to make a paste. Leave your Polish meat and leave for a while.

    The meat in a roasting pan and cook for 20 minutes. Heat to 350 degrees. Bake for 15 minutes, up to a pound or boiled to the degree of desire, a meat thermometer read 115 degrees for rare, 125 for the mean (the temperature will rise slightly as the meat before cutting). Remove from oven and let roast for 15 minutes.

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