Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Carol Anne Riddell

Reading wedding announcements in the Sunday New York Times leaves usually with me a warm fuzzy feeling. Read especially the stories that are similar to the true love and found love the second time after they are widowed or divorced.
There was no warm fuzzy feeling after reading the story of Carol Anne Riddell and Partille Juan, two people who are already married to other people, their children, classrooms AM hit kindergarten. The four adults were fast friends, socialize and even their combined five children on a family holiday.
But then, in love with Mr. and Mrs. Ridder Partille, he confessed his love for others, not to leave their spouses and married life together.
Oh, and then told the world their love story. To the detriment not only of her ex-husband, but her five children, even if you can not read now, read this story forever through the magic of the Internet.
Aom I will not comment on what happened between them that resulted in his marriage. I divorced and remarried AOM. I understand that the Prime Minister to be happy like in your marriage. My schedule is different. I was happy, divorced, met my second husband for him for three years and then married with our combined three children, a "mixture" of the family to join.
Well, I could just comment on part: the Comments column cited Ridder woman said she did not, AOT have an adventure. After confessing their love to each other, each of them went directly to their spouse and tell them the truth.
And while Mr. and Mrs. Ridder Partille should not interrupt stripping to nothing and the other bones before consultation are commended to your spouse had an affair. Is called the PM starts the event and emotional when he starts talking about someone of the opposite sex, it's all good and bad, to share with her husband.
But really, I think the big (huge) fake the happy couple is not screaming people in the New York Times. Why brag publicly and show your love to make statements like that made by Mr. Partille that "I do not think that the word soul mate, but now? Or that Mrs. Riddell was when he said that his feelings were" unconditional and universal. "
What about the privacy and feelings not only ex-spouse, but also their children? Why the New York Times the needs of others outweigh involved? Me, pure joy, or just selfish? We will never know.
I do believe in true love. Perhaps true love really is, what they have. And I do not want to punish and Gloomed but even in the best cases, like mine, blending a family is not easy. Therefore, I will not go so far as to toast the happy couple, but I wish them the best. You must be Aore.

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