Sunday, December 19, 2010

Best Books Of 2010

Men, women and deprived her naughty birthday suits, naked back door waiting patiently on board his plane. Coincidentally, the subject in the foreground - with a smile and shows that - as the naked woman next to him: "It is humiliating, Alice, but it's foolproof will admit."
This comment cartoon on security measures at airports and concern was the violation of privacy made by Ed Fisher and ran in The New Yorker.
In the year 1972.
"I blog about the changes to the TSA," said Bob Mankoff, cartoon editor and staff of long-long New Yorker, and it is clear that the expected 70th ... The cartoon really shows you how to repeat these same types of issues.
"With Cartoon New York as a journey through time."
The New Yorker published collections include more than 85 years history of magazine cartoons. But for the first time, "said comic riffs Mankoff, New Yorker has gathered the best year in comics - for the class of 2009-10 - in a special compartment, but is a constant. Then as now, New Yorker cartoons my mood honest responses human existence.
The title of the new DVD - Mankoff what conditions a "book-magazine" - is "The New Yorker: Cartoons of the Year, and has more than 300 cartoons about 60 artists What is the focus on all terribly eclectic array of styles that. the signature of the comic magazine. Roz Chast Since the introduction by Charles Barsotti Gag listing of the house, the book is a treasure of treasures, bright, a fraction of a second.
The silver mane Mankoff - who was in town this month to lecture on the history of Georgetown University, present and future, the humor - so the approach of the New York drawings truths Animated "dominant deep trends humor helps the politics of the moment to transcend.
"Whether Obama or Sarah Palin, we are not really in [political cartoon] involved," says Mankoff, cartoon editor of the magazine was in 1997. "For us it is not whether the emperor is naked. It is as if the Emperor has spent too much on these clothes."
Similarly, says Mankoff, a New Yorker cartoon said, takes no position gay marriage. Instead, he said, the magazine could be: "The gays and lesbians to marry - not suffered enough?"
And then there are the famous comic Mankoff, a gem that sounds as relevant today as when it was founded in 1993. In the often-cited classic, a businessman, said point lying on the phone: "No, on Thursday, that never - is never good for you."
"It is now at the Yale Book of Quotations" said Mankoff. "Someone has sent me. I had to buy the book just to make sure that yes, he is always there."
Mankoff see the value of the real political satire - "Humor opens the question of authority," he said. In the cartoons, just not the shares of New York trading.
"I like all kinds of humor," says Mankoff "I like is [Jon] Stewart, [Stephen] Colbert, but his general attitude:". .. I'm smart, you're an idiot "
"Compare this with a cartoon Roz Chast," he said. "This is not the same self-satisfaction. The mood is deeper."
Case in point: Chast Mankoff is proudly introduce three illustrated pages for the new book, a magazine. "Introduction of Roz has been specially commissioned for this book in order," said Mankoff. "This deletion and frontispiece by Lee Lorenz, we wanted to add some things that were not in a magazine."
A sign on the introduction of the season after season Chast, entitled "A Year of Comics", it says: "After all culminates in an explosion in the wool, wrapping paper, candy canes, cards people who do not know me, eggnog, guilt and disappointment. "
Could someone else wrote this sense, the more vivid Chast? David Sedaris, perhaps, but then would it also shows so eloquently. Their introduction has also the New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik, formerly known as the "propensity shoulders Roz Chast, high pants, desperately inadequate post-modern."
And by design, Mankoff and Chast said the best-of collection year actually begins in the fall of 2009 and covers the next summer.
"I knew I wanted to write a general introduction," said Chast comic riffs. "Drawings from the collection are eloquent, so I one, it feels like a year did for me caricature. As the new year always starts in mid September with the cool school supplies (or equivalent adult) and suddenly, a cool breeze and ends with the exhaustion that occurs in late summer, when you are sick at all. "
THE ART OF SELLING - and vice versa
The online seller supreme comic saying you could sell ice to Eskimos. Mankoff In comparison, could not only sell ice Eskimos, ice cube trays set up new needle probably with cartoon classic New York.
I Mankoff experience in increasing exposure and market has proven a superior product.
"I was the founder of the Bank in the cartoon of the 90s," says Mankoff The New Yorker on the Web site that not only sell the originals, but also markets shirts, desk calendars and trinkets of our favorite cartoon, she encouraged here. "I was in search of opportunities for artists to supplement their income interest."
(Economic Mankoff empathy for your fellow artists is profound. After I rejected many of their ideas, Mankoff first cracks the pages of The New Yorker in 1977 and produced for the magazine since.)
Since I arrived to Lorenzo as publisher of comics in 1997, Mankoff - never the juggler - has always new ways to search for the presence of cartoons in New York increase over the pages of the magazine.
"It is my mandate for The New Yorker and me," said Mankoff. "I worked on developing new ways of distributing the cartoons, from tales ring [animation] for applications of cartoons, and there are more things coming down the line."
It was also very popular weekly Caption Contest, an idea for Mankoff credits editor David Remnick.
In defense of the cartoons, Remnick wrote a few years ago a collection of New Yorker: added "That's not changed is that the cartoons are essential for the New Yorker ... They are in fact the emblem of the magazine and the like . To my knowledge, the oldest of the kind of folk humor in American life. "
Mankoff Legend has it that the competition is 5000-10000 cards per week, and the New York reproduce the cartoons "a thousand times a year" by the Cartoon Bank - all as part of a broader effort, "said," is trying its influence and to expand interaction with the players. "
Of course, Mankoff said, "The New Yorker magazine did not invent the cartoons, but really established. Unfortunately, [staff] do much more. We are looking almost over."
So who decides who the "best" cartoons - especially given the excellence of the figures regularly in The New Yorker?
"Everyone looked at him, but I've decided," said Mankoff. "I had other, and there are cartoons that were very popular. There were things I liked and he liked cartoons."
This, says the editor, is one of the best practices of the magazine.
"This process has great integrity," says Mankoff. "We do not focus group. We respect the readers and viewers are."
There is also a process that promote multiple generations talents like Mankoff maintains an open door every Tuesday for new potential talent.
"We want all artists to do their best -. fortune to work with any of Roz new talents like Zach Kanin.
An avalanche of proposals amounted to a thousand in the week, counting the number of people to send unsolicited, "says Mankoff." Our regular cartoonists cartoons are probably 400 to 500 But while they were also required. Each year, sell the magazine cartoonist who has never been sold and some of them can become a habit. "
This results in a book 2010, which includes all of the big bully Sam - "he seems to always," says Mankoff - to the harvest of 70, which Mankoff, Chast and recently deceasedLeo Cullum (Mankoff the imaginary included printed version), latest talents such as Matthew Diffee (truths as noted in the design of work) and Drew Dernavich (whose designs a strong woodcuts have great weight).
Add to the mix of individual talents, the other like Danny Shanahan (one of the best writers pure gag magazine), Alex Gregory (beamlines clear mind game), the legendary Temple of George (the dog gives the best man?) And Bruce Eric Kaplan (tilted his people forever, as if walking against the wind in your face at a steady pace of life) - to name just a few in a lineup of stars - and that the only sample, it is simply a rare book recommended.
Window to the World "
In the encyclopedic collection of New York, 80 Anniversary, with reason is the founder of New York and institutional visionary Harold Ross, who was a fan of cartoons from 1925 founding of the magazine.
He says in the foreword of the collection: "Harold Ross intuitively recognize that the cartoon be more of a small window on the world."
Mankoff and with dozens of his fellow New Yorker cartoonist, the new 2010 "book, a magazine," is an architecture of participation by these small windows - any area of a single truth in the absurdities of human existence.
And if human frailty and vanity, and a variety of other functions forever, then highlighted the TSA tests, it seems they have nothing in the New Yorker cartoons and philosophically, we were so bare.

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