Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I was just a few years out of college, when I got my first e-mail account was given at the end of 1980. I lived in Ocean Beach, with an Atari 400 and my roommate (with its Kaypro!) Was discovered, the online destination than the Bulletin Board Systems ", which was more than happy.
You use the modem (1200 baud, as I recall) to one of these BBS ---- call another computer also connected to a modem has a special software to read and send messages, send an e mail privately , download files or play online games. Each CompuServe BBS was like a little off by itself.
One of the darkest aspects of this new online world is a phenomenon in which ---- "Flame War" two users after sharp attacks against each other in the message area. The argument that it was generally more Star Wars or Dungeons & Dragons does not diminish the evil attacks.
We all knew who made this possible, these wars is the anonymity of the forums. Most BBS allowed, under a false name to register a line ---- "handle", like the old CB radio was used to hide their true identity.
And without accountability, a "Lord of the Flies" atmosphere monitoring.
Five years ago, when the North County Times has decided to can a feature on our site that readers add to our stories comment, I worked on the screen, click here. Perhaps I should argue loudly for more, that we force people to use their real names, as we do and always have to do ---- ---- in our letters.
Since the tone and tenor of our comments were generally considered repulsive and mean to deny any well, the comment function to our readers.
Therefore, I am glad that we have a new system requires citizens to use their real names when you write comments, and we call and verify the identity of the individual.
If you are not prepared to defend their arguments in public, then you may not be arguments that truly believes in
More importantly, experience has shown, I believe that people write under their real names, in a civil discourse. With our real name, can see where our neighbors, family and colleagues our contributions, we are all less likely to use it to unsubstantiated allegations or the Act on a donkey.
We still do not agree with us, but ---- responsible for our behavior, that the disagreement is probably much less unpleasant.

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