Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Inoe Technologies developed and patented a process that the delivery of visual content in 4D and high-definition allows millions of Internet users. 4-D mode, which enables the user to their individual perspective and the proximity of content and choose to dive into this, as if you were there. This process is called total immersion experience or tie.
Additional Resources More business news reporting industry HomeTheaterReview.com. Due to 4d, you have 3D technology.
It is important to allow TIE save user content for later viewing. Obviously, the technology allows users, content in new and different angles and distances of the contents are stored. The user can "move" to an object or person (connected or a widescreen image to a computer monitor) on a computer screen from the left, move right, or see 360 degrees around so that Inoe claims total control technologies. Technology Inoe is that each ad, the content from a different perspective of the user's choice to recognize.
The sound is also an important element of the technology. The more the user to produce the sound on the screen, the higher the sound.
"The application of SIT may shift the production of concerts, boxing and many other sporting events, education, medical and retail. There are few limits to the number of industries in the TAR request," said John Triggle, Inoe Technologies CEO.
Inoe Technologies is negotiating with several large U.S. companies and the United Kingdom for the initial implementation and content development.
This technology looks very impressive, but how does it work? Works only for digital creations such as video games and animation films? Did you create the software for digital new angle? This technology seems very unlikely, given the lack of explanation. While this technique does not work, probably will be many years before it is used at the consumer level, but it's an interesting idea for the future.

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