Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Weather Underground

Today is Tuesday, June 14. Here are five things you need to know:
The weather may feel like a rerun. According to Weather Underground, the air will be cool, the winds will be light, and rain could fall from the sky at any minute. Much like the forecast for yesterday. Keep that emergency umbrella ready, and be glad that we’re looking at cool drizzles rather than the oven-like weather we had not so long ago.
The economic summit returns. A constellation of town boards and committees will meet at the senior center tonight to review, assess and discuss the goals set at last year’s summits. If you have something you’d like to offer, the meeting starts at 7 p.m.
Want a memory check? Memory degrades as people age, and some may worry that they’re slipping into Alzheimer’s. Well, a doctor from Northeast Senior Health will visit the library today to explain the difference between normal aging and signs of something more serious.
Need some veggies? The Farm hill Farmers Market returns to Stoneham tomorrow. If you’d like some produce and would rather not get it from the supermarket, you should check it out.
Happy Flag Day. On this day in 1777, the Continental Congress officially adopted the template for the flag that we know and pledge allegiance to today. The earlier flag, carried during the colonies’ battles with the British, was actually a riff on the Union Jack.

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