Tuesday, June 28, 2011

UFO In London

UFO In London
he film is very convincing as the cameraman walks down the street, filming as people look up at the skies, and then several UFOs fly around, with the final shot shows a glowing disc flying around. The fact that so many people are looking up at the skies rather than just a fixed shot on the sky was promising, but now, Stan Hernandez, a man that witnessed the Roswell alien crash, has come forward after conducting his investigation. He has called this UFO a “hoax.”
Hoax for sure. I have seen aliens. I have seen UFOs. I have seen Army men that are mean and scare me, forcing me to buy new dungarees, but I know a fake when I see it, but that didn’t stop me from going to London to investigate. Guess what! The creators of this video are actually linked to a special effects company and this is a mere publicity stunt to get attention. How dare they! How dare they take a dump on the true UFO seekers out there. Ignore this one people. It’s a hoax.

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