Thursday, June 23, 2011

OJ Simpson

Is there anything Oprah can't do? Allegedly, OJ Simpson confessed to her claiming he killed his wife in self-defence.
According to The National Enquirer OJ Simpson allegedly confessed to Oprah that he did indeed kill his wife, Nicole Brown in 1994. If it's true, it's basically the confession of the century.
OJ stood trial for the murders in the highly public case. OJ was found not guilty by the jury on Oct. 3 1995 on live T.V. by more than half of the U.S. population. OJ's innocence was short-lived, however, in 1997 a civil jury in Santa Monica found him liable for 'wrongful death and battery' agaisnt Ronald Goldman, Brown's friend who was found dead next to her outside of her apartment in 1994. Simpson was ordered to pay $33,500,000 in damages to Goldman's family.
In 2008, Simpson was sentenced to 33 years in prison after being convicted of robbery, criminal conspiracy, assault, kidnapping and suing a deadly weapon.

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