Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Israk Mikraj 2011

Israk Mikraj 2011
LEAD-year anniversary event of Isra Mi'raj 1432 H / 2011, there was quite devastating political upheaval in the Middle East region (Middle East / Middle East) are certainly change the political map in the region. After 50 years, only this time the region experienced significant changes in political power, from authoritarian to democratic rule, after a change from monarchy to an authoritarian regime. Since early this year, the dictatorial regime in Tunisia and Egypt collapsed. The regime in Libya, Yemen, Syria, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia is predicted to follow soon. Middle East since the region was once known as sacred because it has always been the center of the struggle for influence and the hegemony of the various world powers, since the time of Alexander until now. Political upheaval also can not be separated from the struggle for influence of a great world power.Moreover, 75 percent of world oil reserves exist in the region. As the greatest prophets and messengers throughout the ages, as well as cover, the Prophet Muhammad was a great revolutionary, able to mobilize large-scale revolution against the Arabs, even the world. Only in a very short time, he was able to change the behavior of the Arabs, from polytheism to monotheism, from savage to civilized noble, cultured from low to high culture.extraordinary success of the Prophet Muhammad written in millions of books and books by scholars and intellectuals to the Orientalists . So it is not surprising that the French socialist sociologist, Michael Hart put the Prophet as the greatest man and the greatest of all time, among the 100 figure that could change world history. In his book Qira'ah Siyasiyah Sirah Nabawiyah Li, Prof. Dr. Shaykh Muhammad Rawwas Qal'ah Jie , professor of Kuwait University, describes three dimensions of politics in the event of Israk Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad. First; dimensions of world leadership. Because the previous world leadership in the hands of the people of Israel because the two earlier religions of the Book ie Jews and Christians inherited and became the religion of the nation. But the bearers of religion is no longer fit to lead the world because it has distorted the religion and changed his instructions. Thus the presence of the Prophet Muhammad in the Aqsa Mosque in Baitul Maqdis in the event of Isra Mi'raj be a marker that the religion of Islam and Muslims who brought the lead would hold the reins of leadership to bring the world to rahmatan lil alamin. Second, the ideological dimensions of leadership. Rasululah Muhammad became a priest in prayer with the Prophet before the Aqsa Mosque. It shows the Prophet Muhammad was the leader of the majority of the prophets who came from Israel, resulting in a shift of the world leadership of Israel to the faithful followers of the Prophet Muhammad. Third, the dimensions of power. Prophet's Isra Nikraj trip from the Grand Mosque in Mecca to the Aqsa Mosque in Baitul Maqdis in Palestine, the Palestinian territories show that when it became Roman territory, later became the Islamic empire. It proved to be only 6 years after the Prophet Muhammad died in Medina and the Islamic government under the Caliph Umar ibn Khattab, and Baitul Maqdis (Jerusalem) successfully freed Islamic forces led by warlord Amr bin Ash peacefully without a single drop out darahpun.The question, whether the warning Isra Mi'raj this year will mark a new era in the Middle East region? First: it was clear the political map will be changed massively. If previously the majority of regimes in the region pro-US and Western powers, is now more oriented to the power of Islam and the East like China, Japan, and India. The area will turn more and more democratic Middle East requires a long process though. Second, the Zionist state of Israel is clear that the most disadvantaged by the political upheaval that swept the Arab countries. Egypt, which was originally a very pro-Israel, now become friends with Iran that Israel's main enemy in the region. Third, as it is said Sheikh Mohammed Rawwas Qal'ah Jie, the holy city of Baitul Maqdis in Palestine really belong to the Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad to the priesthood pray at the Aqsa Mosque which followed the prophets. Then becomes the task of 1.7 billion Muslims around the world to liberate the holy city for Muslims the third, after Mecca and Medina, from the Israeli occupation of the Zionist state.

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