Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ranjitha Nithyananda Video

Karuppan Lenin, a disciple of Swami Nithyananda once, on Friday stuck to its demand that the video shows clips of the man-god with his own style and Ranjith in compromising positions have been true - and not manipulated, actress earlier assertion that in the day.

"It Ranjith and Nithyananda in the video. The forensic laboratory in New Delhi its authenticity was confirmed. I am ready to see that everything in the video is real," he said at a press conference a few hours, said after the actress told reporters in Bangalore that the CD, press six months ago has been "transformed." There, on Thursday and two other charges against Lenin on the field.

Lenin rubbishing the allegations, played an audio chat with the press and said it was the voice of the Nithyanandha he wrote, tried to calm and reach a compromise with him. Nithyanandha argued that companies had active and lead a luxurious life, fouling of the Hindu tradition sanyasi.

"Nithyananda is behind the complaint. Their intention is to divert the issue to harass and take revenge on me," he said.

On the question of refusing dialogue with Arathi Rao - a former henchman Nithyananda - Ranjith as is claimed, and fabricated images. Arathi name and another person, Sridhar, were mentioned in the complaint filed by the actress.

Ranjith said, as he remained an avid Nithyananda, and said that the media "persecuted and vilified" He added, "just because I am a public figure." "I'm just an ordinary woman, with my own fears I knew not what happens to me or my parents, I'm gone done there are no escape ...." Ranjith said he is interested in social work and spirituality was. She said the video sequence had damaged his career, but had yet received offers. "I have the movie in 18 years. This episode hurt my career, but I'm always provides." She has previously starred in over 100 films.

Interestingly, claimed another disciple Nithyananda, Ma Nithya Supriyananda, especially in the complaint that Lenin tried to rape her and abused. Supriyananda also alleged threat to life and abuse in their community (caste). They also claimed that the police station Bidadi "partial and unjust" and were told he treated his complaint as an "application" of their bonafides.Nithyananda suspect was chargesheeted by the police for rape, sex against nature, deception, intimidation and criminal conspiracy. Four partners, including a woman were chargeshetted. Tamil Nadu was the Swami Solan in Himachal Pradesh, 21 April arrested.

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