Saturday, January 1, 2011

Actress Ranjith Sex Scandal

Actress Ranjith said on Friday it was not the woman in the poor quality video of Swami Nityananda participation.
Breaking the silence after sex scandal erupted in March 2010, during a press conference Ranjith his first public appearance since she is ready to show the names of those responsible for the video, whether in light of security blanket.
"I was for my life and my family afraid. However, when my family and me 100% guaranteed security for the Prime Minister of the State (Tamil Nadu), I am willing to name the people behind him. These people work with Lenin ( formerly Pilot),''she charged.
"I live a few years," he replied when asked why he was reluctant to reveal the names of the alleged conspirators.
"I am very scared. I have been threatened against the disclosure of the names. These are people with political support and power. I have no backup. My family is behind me,''he said.
For the video, which showed him in a compromising position with Nityananda, said: "I am not the person he is, in fact, that I was then divided into a room with another woman devotee .. Dhyanapeetham Ashram."
"I suit it. It has affected my career, although some people still have confidence in me.''
If you have not met Nityananda
"I went to the United States on 3 March. I have not met Swamiji of these events. I have in June and gave my statement. I worked with the police. I am a volunteer Dhyanapeetam Nityananda. If time permits, and if they agree, I will certainly visit the ashram. In the past six months many disturbing things happened. I was in Philadelphia. I'm sorry pursued, intimidated and threatened so. I was not hidden, have shown how some sections of the media . He deeply hurt by this. I have a complaint against Lenin and other court Ramanagaram ....," Ranjith had said when asked why it has so long to respond.
What in the complaint
In the complaint, said Ranjith R Shridhar, a Chennai lawyer said he would not release photos of Nityananda and his double impersonator together when he (Ranjith) paid Rs 20 crore.
They also complained that Lenin had outraged her modesty and also tried threats during his visit to the Ashram February. Brahmacharins take pictures of Lenin in the ashram and is used to transform.
Although we appealed to a lack of faith and trust in the police Bidadi, Ranjith to the court registration of cases against Lenin order, Aarthi Rao America in Chennai and Shridhar offending defense under the provisions of the CIA accused of attempted rape, extortion, acts the modesty of women determined.

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