Saturday, January 1, 2011

Zombie Satellite

A "Zombie satellite" is driving back after months in space after an inexplicable mistake earlier this year.

    The Galaxy 15 satellite is in contact with flight control 5 April lost, but continues to send signals over the next eight months. The broadcast packet telecommunications remained in operation, so that a risk of interference with the signals from adjacent satellites.

    Ownership Galaxy 15, Intelsat tried repeatedly to bring the satellite £ 4,171. Without success, instead focusing on working with other broadcasters and service providers to avoid signal interference.

    On 23 December of the satellite battery powered by solar panels toward the sun, and finally discharged. Once this is done, take the filling of the satellite itself and began to take control of Intelsat's control center.

    "The critical phase of the 15 completed Galaxy restore successfully, " the official said again Intelsat satellite in the response. "After the first tests on Galaxy 15 and stopped the trend of the satellite is expected to move the location of Intelsat satellite orbit in order to assess the feasibility of the payload and carry out extensive tests in orbit around the functionality of all aspects ofof the satellite to . determine "Meanwhile, the satellite is in safe mode is enable.

    Originally on 13 October published in May 2005 on a European Ariane rocket, which designed to operate up to 2020 was. Manufacturer, Orbital Sciences Corporation of Virginia, breaking the intense solar storm, probably in April.

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