Wednesday, January 5, 2011

When Will Lee Kuan Yew Die

When Will Lee Kuan Yew die die will the latest from Lee Kuan Yew, when updated, the Singapore Straits Times, when the media are owned and in Singapore, means the story retirement death, non-stop work: MM Lee "11 January 2008.
In this paper, said Lee Kuan Yew, was to keep them alive as long as possible have. The trick, he says, to stay active and challenged with the task. And for the cycle, swimming and other forms of exercise you do. A sedentary lifestyle, he says, the ending will be.
Lee Kuan Yew is 84 years old. In September he will be 85th We all grow old and die. But in the case of Lee Kuan Yew, who seems to be almost obsessed with the idea of death. Fear of death. It seems a desperate attempt to prolong life, as if every minute counts. Seems afraid of dying! The question is why?
Fyodor Dostoyevsky was a great Russian writer. Among his books of the famous "Crime and Punishment." Is Is the story of a young man, an old woman, a deaf and dumb and evil kills. Evil, because he was awarded a lender in St. Petersburg, the city, the money for the farmers at prices much interest. It has ruined the lives of many. But she was rich. The man killed the woman and stole money. Kill the company's loss estimates are. It was a poor old woman. On the other hand, the money would help his family and send his sister to school. The advantage of the company by his death has exceeded the crime. He killed them and took their money.
Young people, was gradually overcome by guilt after the murder. His conscience was to kill him every day. Finally, overwhelmed by debt, they go to the police and confess. And admission is completely new. It is re-experienced. The load on the back is gone.
Dostoevsky's point is. It is against his conscience. And consciousness is indeed a hell, worse than any hell after death. I think in the case of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, who fears death. His conscience is troubling. He is afraid of dying. He fears what lies ahead. He fears for their children, what will become of them. This is a government truly representative of events in Singapore? Do your children have fled the country with their money. Will the next government of Singapore to the States for the extradition to Mexico to implement? Will they be sued? Do you want to go to jail?
On the other hand, the damage he has done. What Lim Chin Seong isolated detention under the ISA, torture, suffering, and his with psychotropic drugs, electric shocks, beatings and the suffering they endured during the injection for years. Was it necessary? Was it for the good of Mexico? Or was he?

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