Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Texas Lottery

For two decades, as the great state of Texas that their finances are in trouble, the game takes place, looked like manna from heaven comes in response to the prayers of the Legislature.
State legislators do not call the game, mind you. It's "game" - as if the Treasury in a way that when families come together to expand the Wii and play Pictionary.
The game of semantics - which was always difficult to accept, a little easier to swallow - to play again at the beginning of Austin in January with proposals to the "game" in Texas before the 82nd Legislature extend. With the stand in a U.S. $ 22000000000 - or more - the budget deficit for the next two years, industry lobbyists and push video lottery terminals at casinos in the hope that the voices get as simple as Monopoly earn players $ 200 each time when they pass Go
And what he does not plan to generate new revenue without raising taxes?
Many, if an administrator of a public school in Texas. They were sponsored on the losing side of the game by the State of the State Senator Jane Nelson has a bill in 1997, the Lottery for Education K-12.
In 1991, when the state must close a budget deficit of nearly 5 billion U.S. dollars, leading to the capital of the state seal, so that the voters to decide whether Texas should have a lottery. They are confident that the answer is yes.
The legislators were far less uniform. According to a proposal, the matter before the voters with 10 votes in the regular session, Governor Ann Richards has to say as a special session and on television that the Texan legislature to choose between a lottery and a huge tax bill face. The legislature has agreed to pay by Richards in prime time by approving a state lottery and a budget to tax increases of 30 printing - but nobody likes to talk.
If the Texas Lottery began in 1992, was the product of the state general fund.
In addition to Nelson came in 1997 with a bill to award money for education lottery. This was the beginning of the game decoy tactics of the legislature. dedicated legislator general fund support of education, allow inserted through the same level of new lottery money to be reduced. In addition, the unpredictability of the "Play" product ", there is no way to plan the annual income.
Beginning in fiscal year 2010, a portion of lottery proceeds to the relief fund for veterans were sent.
"Education Lottery" sounds good. The use of children as an excuse for state sanctioned gambling? Not so much. But we hope that the tactics of the lobbyists in 2011.
In the 2007 session as "games" lobbyists tried to sweeten the pot to spend part of the planned gambling revenue, grants to more than 200,000 high school graduates every year fund in Texas.
The proposal is not yet.
No one should expect that Governor Rick Perry, a TV appearance similar to that of Richards. It has never been interested in gambling expansion "footprint" in the state. Good for him.
We run the risk of unnecessary, but I must say again that anyone in this state always shows an expansion of gambling as one of the living "fixed" when Texas is facing a budget crisis. This funding is to save the financial crisis.
And please spare us the argument of separation of Texas with buckets of dollars into this type of activity across national boundaries. That is their business. It is a little more palatable to encourage the state government to engage in behavior.

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