Saturday, January 1, 2011

Saving Private Ryan

Unfortunately, it seems that forbid talking more each Sunday during football season in the United States as one of the most important issues in America today. This question has not disappeared, despite attempts by politicians, media experts and well-known TV presenters from both sides of the political spectrum. to occupy the question of eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama highest elected office in the United States.
Many Republicans and conservatives under the influence programs Kool-Aid induced, described the problem of eligibility as a "distraction" from the real problems. Most Democrats and progressives, for obvious reasons, the cooperation with the racial bigotry and hatred turned concerned. Overall, opponents of this issue from both sides in the systematic exclusion of the message dedicated and mocking those who dare to act as messengers.
What could be fundamentally important to ensure that the person in charge of our country, the commander of the mightiest army in the world, the keeper of the keys to the nation's nuclear security, in fact, is constitutionally entitled to hold this position? More outrage Sunday afternoon grown men who live by proxy dressing in the colors of your favorite football player when the recipient is not declared ineligible.
Despite the anger and false statements constantly on the contrary, Barack Hussein Obama not a single certified evidence that he is a natural born citizen is provided and qualified to become president thusly defined in Article II, Section I, Article 5 of the Constitution of the United States. Not only that no such documents, which fought hard and spent so many reliable reports indicate that more than one million dollars against the publication of his birth certificate and other documents about their training.
It is not within the scope of this article nor is my intention to discuss the definition of natural born citizens, "Theory Vattel" or other technical questions about this issue in connection with: Can Obama born in the heart of the White House at noon for a whole day of John, Jackie and Rose Kennedy as a witness, and Teddy, serve drinks, but not in itself qualify for the post of U.S. president states.
While the men are called in our country busy worrying about the news that Brett Favre and his series in the NFL, not a real man, an American patriot, whose own label is spotless now also nearing completion at the end. His name is Lieutenant Colonel Terrence "Terry" Lakin, a flight surgeon in the Army with 18 years of loyal service to our country. His court-martial begins today, and by all accounts, they will spend 1-5 years in Leavenworth.
In terms of history, unfortunately, I bet that Favre has Lakin better visibility. In terms of historical significance, but I bet the annals of American history has a place of courage, honor and courage, Lieutenant Colonel Lakin. It has probably not at the place he chose his own way of fighting, but by the fact that this man had the courage to do what not many others have decorated. This is so, an officer of our army, he was sent to lawful orders and lawful under the Constitution of the United States.
I doubt that the beginning of the process martial today that senior officers will receive much, if anything, the coverage of a talk show host and independent distribution networks. If there is a discussion on the issue likely by the fact that Lieutenant Colonel Lakin violated a direct order and essentially asked the court martial, he opened to restrict his own fate. Maybe so, or at least the most basic legal matter.
Meanwhile, continue to be the most conservative commentators and experts ignore Lieutenant Colonel Lakin and a larger question of eligibility or make fun of those who appear, as well as lip service to the Constitution of the United States. These experts in the media have their "talking points" and a list of topics that are off limits published. If you continue your career convenient way can not, should be approved from the script.
The members of the elite conservative bloggers who have in the "A" guest on news programs on network and cable in accordance with the applicable standards and avoid spending a virtual space remain to print this issue do. Whether co-opted a conservative commentator, or blogger, or disdain progressive inherent disadvantages, such as the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law, their responses or lack of safety are similar.
The opponents to pass the question of eligibility, that this case report an error or military, in military parlance, "Lost Motion" and nothing more. Lieutenant Colonel Lakin disobedient, and must be punished, period. This case is following or not following military orders, nothing more, nothing less.
By that logic, should military post in Auschwitz and other concentration camps were never tried at Nuremberg or otherwise punished. Finally, they were only following orders. In relation to the arrest and extermination of Jews, as well, so if there is a war was a diversion from the real issues of the day.

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