Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Salman Taseer Killed By Guard

The governor of Pakistan's Punjab province was assassinated last night by a powerful shot by his guards, because of his opposition to the legislation on blasphemy in the country.
The murder Salman Taseer in the capital has high-profile assassination of a politician in Pakistan since the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in 2007.
Pakistani Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani condemned the murder of his ally and ordered an immediate investigation of the murder.
Interior Taseer said Reham Malik, 56, was killed because he told high-level legislation on blasphemy.
The assassin was a member of the security team of Mr Governor Taseer said Malik.
"He confessed to killing the governor himself, because he had called the blasphemy law an act black," said Malik.
"He confessed his crimes and surrendered his weapon to the police after the attack."
Mr. Taseer has been a member of Benazir Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party and a close aide of President Asif Ali Zardari, widower.
He had spoken against the blasphemy law in the last few days. The Islamists have defended the controversial law.
The officer said Iftikhar Muhammad Taseer after his arrival in Islamabad Khosa Market, a shopping center was near his home and killed popular with Westerners and rich Pakistanis.
Local administration chief Ahmad Amir Ali Taseer pronounced dead in hospital of his injuries.
Five other people were injured other security forces returned fire.
Another police officer, Iqbal Hasan said some witnesses told police, a man fired from his security team two shots at him from leaving the governor his vehicle. Mr Taseer then declined, while the other officers shot the attacker. It was not clear if the bomber was wounded.
"I'm in the market. I heard the shots and fell to the ground," said Shaukat, 28, laborer.
"When running coverage, I saw a man in uniform was taken by the police. Later, the police officer was informed of the bombers."
Police and anti-terrorist forces surrounded the area and the market closed after the attack. A silver Toyota was parked with a flat tire on the side. The blood was spread on the road in two places.
Mr. Taseer has one of political voice, moderate in the failure of the PPP, which fell this week in a political crisis when its coalition partner withdrew from the federal government.
Just as laws against blasphemy, which was bent against the Taliban and other militant Islamists in the North West Open, and became more and more raids in Punjab in recent years.
Mr. Taseer has made his fortune as a chartered accountant and has a consulting and brokerage services before entering politics.
He was minister for industry and production of the former military ruler Pervez Musharraf 2007 to 2008.
Dozens of Pakistanis sentenced to death each year under the blasphemy law, which dates back to 1980, the military regime of General Mohammad Zia ul-Haq.
Most cases are caused by the higher courts, and no executions were carried out, but civil rights activists have complained that the law is used to solve in order to track rivalries and religious minorities. The law was recently the subject of further review was for a Christian woman sentenced to death for allegedly insulting Mohammed.
Under pressure from Islamic parties, the PPP, said recently that he would not pursue changes to the law, which long has angered human rights activists.
, An intelligence official interviewed the suspect, identified as Mumtaz Qadri, said the security forces Elite Guard boasted of the murder, he was proud of killing a blasphemer.
Other members of his security team were interviewed, said Mr Malik added that the safety of Mr Taseer by the Punjab government has been provided.
"Let's see if she was an individual act or someone had asked" to do so, "said Malik.
Gilani announced a period of three days of national mourning.
"The flags will remain at half mast following the murder of Salman Taseer Governor of Punjab," said a statement.
"He was the most courageous voice for Benazir Bhutto on the rights of women and religious minorities," said a weeping Farahnaz Ispahani, a Zardari friend and help of Mr Taseer.

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