Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Roger Ebert

After a name that even the tents just to the theater more Ignatiy Vishnevetsky (top), an online film critic 24 years, based in Chicago, was hired Tuesday as the new co-host Roger Ebert Film Review.
Women Ebert and executive producer of the series, Chaz Ebert, a phonetic guide (Ig.nah.tee ") included in the official announcement of his appointment, said he doubts whether his name will be an obstacle -" . until I remembered a man named Schwarzenegger, who told him he should change his name because he could never do in America with someone who could not pronounce "
"Vishnevetsky" can not go on the tongue and the name of the governor of California and former action star, but he is sure to be seen and heard from coast to coast since 21st January, when "Ebert at the Movies presents" first on WTTW-Channel 11 public television stations across the country.
Speaker of Russian origin, who writes for the Chicago Reader and with years of work in the obsession with foreign-U DVD rentals will co-host Christine Lemire, 38, film critic for The Associated Press to join. With a computer-generated voices Roger who weekly segment - as well as performances by critics Kim Morgan, Omar Moore, Richardson Kartinah, Nell Minow, David Poland, Jeff Greenfield and others.
Vishnevetsky Public Radio critic Elvis Mitchell replaced, which has already been co-host of Lemire, but announced split for unknown reasons. Mitchell does not require looking back commentary, but the changes Chaz rejected as one of the things that "happens all the time," at the beginning of television. can "We are very pleased that Elvis participate in our pilot, he said." Sometimes on TV for some reason you do not agree. We want Elvis well and hope to find a way to find him in the future work. "
He has also played down the accused, the departure of David Plummer, executive producer of former Disney last year "in the cinema, as a consultant for the new show." He was a consulting agreement in the short term, she said, suggesting that could also he one point back.
In casting about to find a replacement for Mitchell, Roger Vishnevetsky place among critics, colleagues in the Lake Street Screening Room, where he was known was that strong positions represented and for his advocacy of unpopular or dark movies. (His site links to essays on "why Clint Eastwood is a Brecht why Renoir is not cool, why the" gap "a great film, is believed [and] Andrew Bujalski in the existence of. Evil") for its new TV role, he writes, "to use Vishnevetsky vote" word on television Feuilladian many as possible and not so much about the implementation in the abyss. "
In a profile of the Los Angeles Times, said Vishnevetsky: "For every film, you can write 2,000 or 3,000 pages of text is very different from sitting in the seat and have a discussion in three minutes you should avoid certain ideas and tangents because .. it would have the entire length of the segment. I also think it is possible any major issues without reaching any targets. "
"We want to hear, then discovered he highly respected in the independent film community," said Chaz. "If you Google his name, some people we know and respect among filmmakers and critics who know on independent and foreign films and have you focus too much respect for him. Roger said he was" impressed by the depth and detail of his knowledge of cinema, and how they fit together. "
After several hearings in camera with him and others, Ebert acknowledged that he found his man. Chaz said. "At the end of the process that came to the conclusion that it was he who should sit on the chair in front of Christy"
From his office in the northwest side WTTW Studios Chaz looked after every detail. "Everything is going very well. We have a wonderful design. We have the same type of lighting, Oprah uses. This is a class production of" She heaps praise on the window station Global Communications public television, where her husband and the late Gene Siskel began. "They were a great production and distribution. I was not there when Roger was here 35 years ago, and I did not know what to expect. But I must say that this is a first class operation."
It refused to identify subscribers, except to admit that they are, and Roger "to fund our production," adding. "We welcome as many sponsors and participants who wish to participate in this national program, we signed one, and we meet each other. We hope to have more."
fall with all the pieces into place after years of planning, Chaz sounds happier and more confident than ever about the project. "It was really a wonderful process, and Roger said - and he's probably right - that emerged from producer I am used to juggle several things at once. It's good, Roger is smart on my side as co-executive producer for television, and because he was so excited about this show. "
And what is the true measure of success? "If we show a quality that may produce the public," he said. "If Roger makes you happy."

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