Friday, January 7, 2011


Marketing is an amazing thing. What better way to give your name to network with like-minded people, friends and associations of the seal that will last a life? Not only the physical sense - and that digital marketing is very important for future economic growth and the best way for businesses of all sizes are described. We at SEO Consult this time, working deep in the history of marketing to play now and what the future may offer. Have fun!
In the late 19th Century introduced, Melvil Dewey, a universal classification system for identifying books with digital encoding. The Dewey Decimal system has been upgraded several times and still in libraries today - still not cope with the size of the World Wide Web.
1958 - Bill Gross, the founder of Pay-Per-Click, born in California.
The network (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) DARPA is from 1966 to 1967 known as the forerunner of the World Wide Web. There was a communication system developed by the U.S. Army. If the ability to retrieve information from base to base transfer. Several American universities have joined the network files and had access to any place to shop, hence the community. Suffixes for Web addresses (por. communication).
Gerard Salton, Harvard mathematician, develops, what is the first search engine, SMART (System for analyzing the mechanical recovery and text) to the end of 1960 graduated.
15. March 1985 - the first domain name was registered,
30. September 1985 - The fifth domain was registered were Digital Equipment Corp. to open the first PC manufacturer to a public Web site. Adjusted to December, which carried most of the first search engine as well.
1990 - HTML was found by Tim Berners-Lee on the basis of the principles of Vannevar Bush, 1945, as we know, he was born extremely invented.
The honor, the Internet search engine first goes to Archie, was a pre-created web application in 1990. There was a file on an Internet index of each file found. This was the first FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
1993 - The global network of 130 locations was
January 1994 - Jerry Yang and David Filo of Yahoo at Stanford University was founded. The two students created a bored select Web search engine, the data from the websites of the best basketball team in a fantasy basketball league drawn. He ended up winning, of course! Yang has a Web browser called Mosaic, created all the important places lists, and Filo created software that automates the list. published at the end of 1994, "Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web" was to work with their conclusions.
1994-Excite six graduates of Stanford was founded, Excite started under the name Architext.
1994 - The network was able to follow faster than any man. Stay in touch with the growing number of sites was something that a machine can do, then WebCrawler Brian Pinkerton was developed at the University of Washington. From the database of results, WebCrawler classified pages with more relevant.
In November 1994 he received his WebCrawler search as a million.
In 1994, Yahoo has a great set of results, and had no search function.
1994 - Lycos began as a research project by Michael Lawrence Mauldin of Carnegie Mellon University. Lycos was named after the Lycosidae, the Latin word for the family of spiders that actively seeks to catch its prey designated location on your website. Lycos was the first search engine to use a robot (spider), a software database and the interface (for sorting).
1994 - the first Internet banner, from HotWired who an ad on your AT & T engine, the article claimed him: "Have you ever clicked on the mouse you here."
1995 - Lycos is a registered business and Bob Davis as president and first employee.
1995 - The Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin met as a degree in computer science at Stanford University.
1995 - Excite launched and was the first engine, rated the content and links, and was the first site to provide free e-mail.
1. March 1995 - Yahoo has been accepted. The name is an acronym that inspired the founders of the team, with the acronym "Ya" (another) have started. Yahoo is more appropriate acronym: Yet Another Hierarchical Oracle informal.
In June 1995, AOL (America Online), had no assets in connection with the acquisition WebCrawler Web and $ 1,000,000.
24. August 1995 - Microsoft, the Microsoft Network or MSN.
15. December 1995 has started Digital Equipment Corp., AltaVista. Louis Monier created the crawler and Michael Burrows, wrote the step by step. AltaVista was to see the target of December to the power of the Alpha Team. In the first day of the public, AltaVista has served over 300,000 hits, and the first year more than 4 million searches.
End of 1995 - Tim Koogle was used as the first CEO of Yahoo (a name somewhat ironic, but true!). Koogle was a former officer of Motorola. Yang focused on the product, and tended to border infrastructure business grows.
1996 - The World Wide Web has more than 600,000 websites.
1996 - Bill Gross founded Idealab, which was to promote a business to business ideas, their own business. Overture was one of the company of Idealab born.
1996 - Larry Page developed Google's algorithm, PageRank, and gave him his name and the name of the original project was "BackRub."
1996 - The founders of Google the name of the engine after the number googol, and the term for the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. The first version of Google has been on the website of Stanford published in August 1996.
April 1996 - Excite went public.
July 1996 - Hotmail was by its founders Draper Fisher Jurvetson started.
1. April 1997 - AOL purchased WebCrawler Excite for $ 4,300,000.
1997 - Gross founded
1997 - Microsoft HoMail purchased for $ 400,000,000, which was probably the most successful courier to the Web in the world. is registered - 15 September 1997
In 1997, AltaVista was created to make 50 million dollars in sales and sponsorship was found in a hot three-way with Yahoo and AOL as the most important goal.
January 1998 - December Compaq AltaVista has been sold for 9.6 billion U.S. dollars, and AltaVista separately again in June 1999 to CMGI for $ 2300000000th
August 1998 - Page and Brin finally got its investment from Andy Bechtolsheim, who made a double inversion of what the founders wanted, and left with a check for $ 100,000. Page and Brin went to Burger King to celebrate!
7. September 1998, Google Inc. officially created, with Page and Brin and CEO and president.
End of 1998 - Google serves more than 10,000 requests per day and the resources were available to before the game.
In 1999, CMGI spent $ 120 million in marketing AltaVista, AltaVista, because they thought it was a meeting of motor rich quick.
Enacted in 1999, MSN Messenger, MSN.
1999 - Lycos was the most visited website in the world, as it was in the 90s. Is active in 40 countries in 1999.
In June 1999, Google introduced 25 million U.S. dollars of investment by Brin and Page to many leading companies in Silicon Valley, many of which have already invested in Yahoo, Excite and AOL.
June 1999, had over 8,000 advertisers and revenues were on their way to exceed 10 billion U.S. dollars annually from 2000. They received 100 million search queries per month.
MSN 2000 re-launched its Web-based functionality similar to the format we see today.
14. February 2000, adopted MSN colorful butterfly that has become synonymous with MSN.
March 2000 - the Nasdaq reached and began its historic decline.
May 2000 - Lycos was sold to Terra Networks of Spain $ 13,000,000. The new name as it is today, Terra Lycos.
Fall 2000 - Google Adwords is.
At the end of 2000 - Google services 60 million search queries per day and rising.
2000 - there were 361 million Internet users worldwide.
May 2000 - was sold to Terra Lycos for $ 12,500,000,000. Four years later, a South Korean 100 million U.S. dollars was sold. Lycos is still a top-two varieties, however, was unable to repeat their glorious past.
11. September 2001 - CNN and crashed because of overwhelming search queries in relation to the BBC attacks on the World Trade Centre. Searchers turned to Google. For now, Google served 125 million searches per day, but the news of the week multiplied by research in the field of sixty to 9.11! Google, as a result of the way, Google News.
8. October 2001 - Inc. changed its name to Overture Services.
2002 - Excite was sold Interactive Search Holdings.
In 2002, Yahoo has been outsourcing paid search listings from Overture.
In the spring of 2002, Google launched AdWords in the UK, competing with Overture
December 2002 - Yahoo bought Inktomi to boost its own search technology.
December 2002 - Google launched Froogle, a search engine for electronic commerce.
2003 - Overture AltaVista has been sold in 2003 for $ 140,000,000.
January 2003 - overture was from Yahoo, which won the contract purchased for $ 1,630,000,000th This agreement was provided with Yahoo paid search ads from that date.
June 2003 - Google launched its AdSense program, which allows advertising related industries place on your site.
2003 - more than 100,000 advertisers, Google AdWords, but there was no customer service. Many customers felt cheated because they understand better how to use Google AdWords.
28. October 2003 - Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, wrote Harvard University in his room, originally Facemash. It had looked at 22 000 photos in the first 4 hours after his release.
March 2004 - sold Jeeves Excite issues.
2004 - Google turned over $ 3 billion in sales
2005 - Google has launched its revolutionary character to life.
April 2005 - Google acquired Urchin Software Corporation for the use of Google Analytics.
2005 - Google has launched the relevance of the method of Classification "level of quality for your products to life.
March 2006 - Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey.
July 2006 - Twitter was started by Jack Dorsey.
15. August 2006 - MSN adCenter and Microsoft has introduced in the United Kingdom in response to Adwords and Overture paid search to create, to use part of search queries in the United Kingdom.
October 2006 - Google acquisition of YouTube last.
November 2006 - Panama project began in the U.S. for advertising platform from Yahoo.
2007 - was defeated tweets twitter 130,000 per quarter.
23. July 2007 - The role of projects on the Yahoo Panama UK, to compete with Google Adwords.
2008-23500000 adults in the UK access to the Internet every day.
2008 - 875 million people worldwide have something online, which acquired a 40% increase since 2006.
2008 - the cost of online advertising in Britain grew by 17% over 2007 to 3.35 billion pounds.
2009 - Google's advertising revenues were U.S. $ 23,000,000,000th
June 2009 - 31% of UK users to surf the internet on the phone
August 2009 - social networks accounted for 13.8 billion ad impressions, which represents 25% of all ad impressions.
September 2009 to 4 billion mobile phones in use worldwide.
2009 - mobile payments through PayPal was 86 million pounds worldwide.
2009 to 48.42% of traffic E-commerce comes from the biological research.
2009 - The Internet has a growing share of 28% of the working media.
2010 - Britain's largest e-commerce market in the world per capita, or 7.2% of GDP and the value of 100 million pounds 000th
2010 - People who spend 52 minutes per day online account, social networks 23% all the time online.
2010 - The social networking sites have 800 + users Facebook has like 500 meters.
2010-40000000000 E-mail sent per day, 35 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute worldwide.
2010 - The number of toilets in the world: $ 4,000,000, the mobile phone number: five billionth
2010 - value of goods online search and online purchase is 40 billion pounds per year.
2010-60% of online shopping carts are abandoned on or prior to payment.
2010 - YouTube newspapers 1:3.71 average return on investment is promoted videos.
2010-27% of mobile users in the United Kingdom have a smartphone.
2010-20000000 mobile Internet users in the United Kingdom in 2010.
2010-16% of the people most likely to buy a mobile web page where the customer experience is simple.
2010 - Amazon charges $ 1,000,000,000 in sales through mobile.
Mobile accounts 10% of Paris Paddy Power - 2010.
2010 - Augmented Reality generated $ 2,000,000 in sales.
2010-50 times more research on high-end phones rather than traditional WAP
2010 - During the last cloud of ash from the volcano in Iceland, the mobile business by 45% of users increased search for travel information
2010 - Android global market share by 3% in 2009 to 25%
July 2010 - Google has 98% of searches on mobile devices worldwide.
2010 - not 1.7 million Internet users (25% of world population) worldwide.
2010 - Twitter has 175 million users worldwide, 65 million tweets per day, and 800,000 daily searches.
2010 - Facebook has 400 million active users. If Facebook were a country would be the third largest country in the world.
2010 - On 1st Quarter 2010 176 000 000 000 notes were posted on Facebook in the United States.
2010-30% of the population of the United Kingdom have Facebook.
2010-39% of the investment income users, see the link for the importance of the society.
2010-68% of search users click on results in the first page of results.
at MACH 2010 and 49% of user queries and search engines / or after reviewing the first page of results.
2010 - YouTube per month more than Bing and Yahoo together.
2011 - search advertising 2.25 billion pounds in the UK (eMarketer) is sought.
2012 - search advertising 2.48 billion pounds in the UK (eMarketer) is sought.
2012-77% of total European sales of mobile phones will be for smartphones (Carphone Warehouse).
2013 - number of users of smartphones to $ 1,600,000,000 (Wireless Experience).
2013 - Video is 90% of Web traffic in 2013 (Cisco).
2013 - Super mobile office.
2013 - 275 million pounds in sales predicted by mobile phones, from 123 million pounds in 2010 (Mobile Marketing Association).
2014 - Augmented Reality should be $ 714,000,000 in sales (juniper).
2014 - Users of mobile coupons will be over 300 m with a residual value of $ 6,000,000,000 be (Chart-Marketing.)
2014 - The mobile advertising in the United Kingdom is expected that 355 million pounds (PricewaterhouseCoopers) to achieve.
2015 - Mobile is the primary way to the Web (TechRadar) are accessed.

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